
 



著書 (分担執筆)
1. 山口 篤 (2004) 7.3章 ここ10年における生物採集機器の発達とその成果. 海洋調査フロンティア-海を計測する-増補版, 171-174 pp., 和田明(編), 海洋調査技術学会, 東京.
2. Yamaguchi, A. (2008). Comparison of mesozooplankton biomass down to the greater depths (0-3000
m) between 165E and 165W in the North Pacific Ocean: the contribution of
large copepod Neocalanus cristatus. In: Pacific and Arctic Oceans: New Oceanographic Research (ed. K.. B.
Towles). Nova Science Publishers, New York..
3. Batten, S., Chen, X., Flint, E.N., Freeland, H.J., Holmes, J., Howell, E., Ichii, T., Kaeriyama, M., Landry, M., Lunsford, C., Mackas, D.L., Mate, B., Matsuda, K., McKinnell, S.M., Miller, L., Morgan, K., Pena, A., Polovina, J.J., Robert, M., Seki, M.P., Sydeman, W.J., Thompson, S.A., Whitney, F.A., Woodworth, P., Yamaguchi, A. (2010). Status and trends of the North Pacific oceanic region, 2003-2008, pp. 56-105 In S.M. McKinnell and M.J. Dagg. (Eds.) Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. PICES Special Publication 4, 393 p.
4. Ohtsuka, S., T. Horiguchi, Y. Hanamura, A. Yamaguchi, M. Shimomura, T. Suzuki, K. Ishiguro, H. Hanaoka, K. Yamada and S. Ohtani (2011) Symbyosis of planktonic copepods and mysids with epibionts and parasites
in the North Pacific: diversity and interactions. pp. 1-14 In: New Frontiers in Crustacean Biology (Crustaceana Monographs, 15) (ed. A. Asakura). Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
1.山口 篤・志賀直信 (1997) 北海道南西部恵山沖におけるPseudocalanus minutusとP. newmani(Copepoda; Calanoida)の鉛直分布及び生活史サイクルについて. 日本プランクトン学会報, 44: 11-20.
2.Yamaguchi, A., T. Ikada and N. Shiga (1998) Population structure and life cycle of Pseudocalanus minutus and Pseudocalanus newmani (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Toyama Bay, Japan Sea. Plankton Biology and Ecology,
45: 183-193.
3.Yamaguchi, A., T. Ikeda and K. Hirakawa(1999)Diel vertical migration, population structure and life cycle of the copepod Scolecithricella minor (Calanoida: Scolecitrichidae) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton
Biology and Ecology, 46: 54-61.
4.Yamaguchi, A. and T. Ikeda (2000) Vertical distribution, life cycle, and body allometry of two oceanic calanoid copepods (Pleuromamma scutullata and Heterorhabdus tanneri) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Plankton
Reserch, 22: 29-46.
5.Yamaguchi, A. and T. Ikeda (2000) Vertical distribution, life cycle and developmental characteristics of mesopelagic calanoid copepod Gaidius variabilis (Aetideidae) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific Ocean. Marine
Biology, 137: 99-109.
6.山口 篤・石坂丞二・渡辺雄二(2000) 西部北太平洋におけるプランクトン群集の鉛直分布(WEST-COSMIC). 日本プランクトン学会報 47: 144-156.
7. Yamaguchi, A. and T. Ikeda (2001) Abundance and population structure of three mesopelagic Paraeuchaeta species (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic
Pacific Ocean with notes on their carcasses and epizoic ciliates. Plankton
Biology and Ecology, 48: 104-113.
8. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda and M. Takahashi (2002) Community and trophic structures of pelagic copepods down to the greater depths in the western subarctic Pacific (WEST-COSMIC). Deep-Sea Research I. 49: 1007-1025.
9. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda, M. Takahashi (2002) Structure and size distribution of plankton communities down to the greater depths in the western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II. 49: 5513-5529.
10. 山口 篤・三輪喜之・井上勝夫・松本稔範・志賀直信 (2003) 沿岸親潮における動物プランクトン群集の特徴. 沿岸海洋研究 41: 23-31.
11. 山口 篤・池田 勉(2003)中・深層性かいあし類をめぐる被食・捕食関係. 日本プランクトン学会報 50: 114-119.
12. Takata, H., K. Kuma, S. Iwade, Y. Yamajyoh, A. Yamaguchi and 7 authors (2004) Spatial variability of iron in the surface water of the northwestern North Pacific Ocean. Marine Chemistry 86: 139-157.
13. Padmavati, G., T. Ikeda and A. Yamaguchi (2004) Life cycle, population structure and vertical distribution of Metridia spp. (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region (NW Pacific Ocean). Marine Ecology Progress Series 270: 181-198.
14. Yamaguchi, A., T. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe and J. Ishizaka (2004) Vertical distribution patterns of pelagic copepods as viewed from the "predation
pressure" hypothesis. Zoological Studies 43: 475-485.
15. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda, M. Takahashi (2004) Latitudinal differences in the planktonic biomass and community structure
down to the greater depths in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 60: 773-787.
16. Ikeda, T., F. Sano and A. Yamaguchi (2004) Metabolism and body composition of a copepod Neocalanus cristatus (Crustacea) from the bathypelagic zone of the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Marine Biology 145: 1181-1190.
17. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, M. Maeda, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda and M. M. Takahashi (2005) Biomass and chemical composition of net-plankton down to greater depths
(0-5800 m) in the western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 52: 341-353.
18. Shoden, S., T. Ikeda and A. Yamaguchi (2005) Vertical distribution, population structure and life cycle of Eucalanus
bungii (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, with notes on its regional
variations. Marine Biology 146: 497-511.
19. Yamaguchi, A., S. Tachibana, K. Hirakawa and T. Ikeda (2005) Descriptions of the copepodid stages of the mesopelagic copepod, Gaetanus
variabilis (Brodsky, 1950) (Calanoida, Aetideidae) from the Japan Sea. Crustaceana 78: 817-837.
20. Watanabe, Y., A. Yamaguchi, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, S. Suzuki, Y. Sekido, T. Ikeda, Y. Shirayama, M. M. Takahashi, T. Ohsumi and J. Ishizaka (2006) Lethality of increasing CO2 levels on deep-sea copepods in the western
North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 62: 185-196.
21. 山口 篤 (2006) 北太平洋亜寒帯域のカラヌス目カイアシ類に体表付着する繊毛虫吸管虫亜綱について.
日本プランクトン学会報 53: 29-36.
22. Masuda, H., Y. Takenaka, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishikawa and H. Mizuno (2006). A novel yellowish-green fluorescent protein from the marine copepod, Chiridius
poppei, and its use as a reporter protein in HeLa cells. Gene 372: 18-25.
23. Ikeda, T. F. Sano, A. Yamaguchi, T. Matsuishi (2006). Metabolism of mesopelagic and bathypelagic copepods in the western North Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 322: 199-211.
24. Ikeda, T., A. Yamaguchi and T. Matsuishi (2006). Chemical composition and energy content of deep-sea calanoid copepods in the Western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 53: 1791-1809.
25. 山口 篤 (2007) 北太平洋の中・深層域に分布するプランクトン生物の生態学的研究. 海の研究 16: 129-142.
26. Ikeda, T., F. Sano and A. Yamaguchi (2007). Respiration in marine pelagic copepods: a global-bathymetric model. Marine Ecology Progress Series 339: 215-219.
27. Yamaguchi, A., S. Ohtsuka, K. Hirakawa and T. Ikeda (2007). Vertical distribution and feeding ecology of a copepod Gaetanus variabilis in the southern Japan Sea during winter. La Mer 45: 47-58.
28. Ikeda, T. F. Sano, A. Yamaguchi and T. Matsuishi (2007). RNA:DNA ratios of calanoid copepods from the epipelagic through abyssopelagic
zones of the North Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Biology 1: 99-108.
29. Ozawa, M., A. Yamaguchi, T. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe and J. Ishizaka (2007). Abundance and community structure of chaetognaths from the epipelagic through
abyssopelagic zones in the western North Pacific and its adjacent seas. Plankton Benthos Research 2: 184-197.
30. 横井 裕・山口 篤・池田 勉 (2008). 光学式プランクトンカウンター(Optical Plankton Counter)を用いた初夏の西部北太平洋における動物プランクトン群集構造の緯度・経年変動解析. 日本プランクトン学会報 55: 9-24.
31. Ikeda, T., N. Shiga and A. Yamaguchi (2008). Structure, biomass distribution and trophodynamics of the Pelagic ecosystem in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 64: 339-354.
32. Takenaka, Y., H. Masuda, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishikawa, Y. Shigeri, Y. Yoshida and H. Mizuno (2008). Two forms of secreted and thermostable luciferases from the marine copepod,
Metridia pacifica. Gene 425: 28-35.
33. Dalpadado, P., A. Yamaguchi, B. Ellertsen and S. Johannessen (2008). Trophic interactions of macrozooplankton (krill and amphipods) in the marginal ice zone of the Barents Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 55: 2266-2274.
34. Kim, H. S., A. Yamaguchi and T. Ikeda (2009). Abundance, biomass and life cycle patterns of euphausiids (Euphausia pacifica, Thysanoessa inspinata and T. longipes) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Plankton and Benthos Research 4: 43-52.
35. Matsuno, K., H. S. Kim and A. Yamaguchi (2009). Causes of under- or overestimation of zooplankton biomass using Optical Plankton Counter (OPC): effect of size and taxa. Plankton and Benthos Research 4: 154-159.
36. 福井大介・北辻さほ・池田 勉・志賀直信・山口 篤 (2010). 北海道忍路湾におけるネット植物プランクトン群集の長期変動(1984-2004年). 日本プランクトン学会報 57: 30-40.
37. Homma, T. and A. Yamaguchi (2010). Vertical changes in abundance, biomass and community structure of copepods down to 3000 m in the southern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research I 57: 965-977.
38. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Onishi, A. Omata, M. Kawai, M. Kaneda and T. Ikeda (2010). Population structure, egg production and gut content pigment of large grazing
copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1679-1690.
39. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Onishi, M. Kawai, A. Omata, M. Kaneda and T. Ikeda (2010). Diel and ontogenetic variations in vertical distributions of large grazing
copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1691-1702.
40. Kim, H. S., A. Yamaguchi and T. Ikeda (2010). Population dynamics of the euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa inspinata in the Oyashio region during the 2007 spring phytoplankton bloom. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1727-1732.
41. Kim, H. S., A. Yamaguchi and T. Ikeda (2010). Metabolism and elemental composition of the euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa inspinata during the phytoplankton bloom season in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1733-1741.
42. Matsuno, K. and A. Yamaguchi (2010). Abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton along north-south transects (165E
and 165W) in summer in the North Pacific: an analysis with an optical plankton
counter. Plankton Benthos Research 5: 123-130.
43. Saito, R., A. Yamaguchi, S.-i. Saitoh, K. Kuma and I. Imai (2011). East-west comparison of the zooplankton community in the subarctic Pacific
during summers of 2003-2006. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 145-160.
44. 大塚 攻・山口 篤・花村幸生 (2011). 動物プランクトンに共生する繊毛虫類の生活史と生態的機能. 日本プランクトン学会報 58: 87-93.
45. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake and I. Imai (2011). Year-to-year changes of the mesozooplankton community in the Chukchi Sea
during summers of 1991, 1992 and 2007, 2008. Polar Biology 34: 1349-1360.
46. Sato, K.-i., A. Yamaguchi, H. Ueno and T. Ikeda (2011). Vertical segregation within four grazing copepods in the Oyashio region
during early spring. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1230-1238.
47. 大橋理恵・石井健一郎・藤木徹一・喜多村稔・松本和彦・本多牧生・山口 篤(2011) セジメントトラップにより採集された初夏の西部北太平洋亜寒帯域におけるプランクトン群集の短期時系列変動. 日本プランクトン学会報 58: 123-135.
48. Chiba, S., H. Sugisaki, A. Kuwata, K. Tadokoro, T. Kobari, A. Yamaguchi and D. L. Mackas (2012) Pan-North Pacific comparison of long-term variation in Neocalanus copepods based on stable isotope analysis. Progress in Oceanography 97-100: 63-75.
49. Abe, Y., K.-i. Ishii, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2012) Short-term changes in population structure and vertical distribution of
mesopelagic copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio
region. Deep-Sea Research I 65: 100-112.
50. Takenaka, Y., A. Yamaguchi, N. Tsuruoka, M. Torimura, T. Gojobori and Y. Shigeri (2012) Evolution of bioluminescence in marine planktonic copepods. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 1669-1681.
51. Fukuda, J., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno and I. Imai (2012) Interannual and latitudinal changes in zooplankton abundance, biomass and size composition along a central North Pacific transect during summer: analyses with an Optical Plankton Counter. Plankton Benthos Research 7: 64-74.
52. Saito, R., A. Yamaguchi, S.-i. Saitoh, K. Kuma and I. Imai (2012) Abundance, biomass and body size of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the western and eastern subarctic Pacific during the summers of 2003-2006. Plankton Benthos Research 7: 96-99.
53. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, K. Shimada and I Imai (2012) Horizontal distribution of calanoid copepods in the western Arctic Ocean
during the summer of 2008. Polar Science 6: 105-119.
54. Stabeno, P. J., N. B. Kachel, S. E. Moore, J. M. Napp, M. Sigler, A. Yamaguchi and A. N. Zerbini (2012) Comparison of warm and cold years on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf
and some implications for the ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research II 65-70: 31-45.
55. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi and I Imai (2012). Biomass size spectra of mesozooplankton in the Chukchi Sea during the summers
of 1991/1992 and 2007/2008: an analysis using optical plankton counter
data. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1205-1217.
56. Chikugo, K., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno, R. Saito and I. Imai (2013). Life history and production of pelagic mysids and decapods in the Oyashio
region, Japan. Crustaceana 86: 449-474.
57. Natsuike M., S. Nagai, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, C. Tsukazaki, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2013) Abundance and distribution of toxic Alexandrium tamarense resting cysts in the sediments of the Chukchi Sea and the eastern Bering Sea. Harmful Algae 27: 52-59.
58. Takenaka, Y., A. Noda-Ogura, T. Imanishi, A. Yamaguchi, T. Gojobori, Y. Shigeri (2013) Computational analysis and functional expression of ancestral copepod luciferase. Gene 528: 201-205.
59. Nakamura, Y., I. Imai, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji and N. Suzuki (2013) Aulographis japonica sp. nov. (Phaeodaria, Aulacanthida, Aulacanthidae), an abundant zooplankton in the deep sea of the Sea of Japan. Plankton and Benthos Research 8: 107-115.
60. Yamaguchi, A., T. Homma, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, H. Ueno, T. Hirawake and I. Imai (2013) East-west differences in population structure and vertical distribution
of copepods along 47°N in the subarctic Pacific in June 2009. Plankton and Benthos Research 8: 116-123.
61. Tsukazaki, C., K.-I. Ishii, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2013) Distribution of viable diatom resting stage cells in bottom sediments of the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Deep-Sea Research II 94: 22-30.
62. Ohashi, R., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, N. Yamada, A. Iijima, N. Shiga and I. Imai (2013) Interannual changes in the zooplankton community structure on the southeastern
Bering Sea shelf during summers of 1994-2009. Deep-Sea Research II 94: 44-56.
63. Abe, Y., M. Natsuike, K. Matsuno, T. Terui, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2013) Variation in assimilation efficiencies of dominant Neocalanus and Eucalanus copepods in the subarctic Pacific: Consequences for population structure models. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449: 321-329.
64. Saito, R., A. Yamaguchi, I. Yasuda, H. Ueno, H. Ishiyama, H. Onishi and I. Imai (2014) Influences of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies on the zooplankton community south of the western Aleutian Islands during the summer of 2010. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 117-128.
65. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, A. Fujiwara, J. Onodera, E. Watanabe, I. Imai, S. Chiba, N. Harada and T. Kikuchi (2014) Seasonal changes in mesozooplankton swimmers collected by sediment trap moored at a single station on the Northwind Abyssal Plain in the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 490-502.
66. Lindsay, D.J., A. Yamaguchi, M.M. Grossmann, J. Nishikawa, A. Sabates, V. Fuentes, M. Hall, K. Sunahara and H. Yamamoto (2014) Vertical profiles of marine particulates: a step towards global scale comparisons using an Autonomous Visual Plankton Recorder. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan 61: 72-81.
67. Onishi, Y., Y. Mohri, A. Tuji, K. Ohgi, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2014) The seagrass Zostera marina harbors growth-inhibiting bacteria against the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Fisheries Science 80: 353-362.
68. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, H. Asami, H. Shimada and I. Imai (2014) Seasonal changes in body size and oil sac volume of three planktonic copepods, Paracalanus parvus (Claus, 1863), Pseudocalanus newmani Frost, 1989 and Oithona similis Claus, 1866, in a temperate embayment: what controls their seasonality? Crustaceana 87: 364-375.
69. Watanabe, E., J. Onodera, N. Harada, M. C. Honda, K. Kimoto., T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, A. Ishida and M. J. Kishi (2014) Enhanced role of eddies in the Arctic marine biological pump. Nature communications 5: 3950.
70. Yamaguchi, A., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, D. Arima and K. Ohgi (2014) Seasonal changes in zooplankton abundance, biomass, size structure and dominant
copepods in the Oyashio region analysed by an optical plankton counter. Deep-Sea Research I 91: 115-124.
71. Matsuno, K., M. Ichinomiya, A. Yamaguchi, I. Imai and T. Kikuchi (2014) Horizontal distribution of microprotist community structure in the western
Arctic Ocean during late summer and early fall of 2010. Polar Biology 37: 1185-1195.
72. Natsuike, M., M. Kanamori, K. Baba, K. Moribe, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2014) Changes in abundances of Alexandrium tamarense resting cysts after the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Harmful Algae 39: 271-279.
73. Yamaguchi, A., K. Matsuno and T. Homma (2015) Spatial changes in the vertical distribution of calanoid copepods down to great depths in the North Pacific. Zoological Studies 54:13 doi:10.1186/s40555-014-0091-6.
74. Sato, K., K. Matsuno, D. Arima, Y. Abe and A. Yamaguchi (2015) Spatial and temporal changes in zooplankton abundance, biovolume, and size
spectra in the neighboring waters of Japan: analyses using an optical plankton
counter. Zoological Studies 54:18 doi:10.1186/s40555-014-0098-z.
75. Nakamura, Y., I. Imai, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji, F. Not and N. Suzuki (2015) Molecular phylogeny of the widely distributed marine protists, Phaeodaria
(Rhizaria, Cercozoa). Protist 166: 363-373.
76. 夏池真史・金森 誠・馬場勝寿・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2015) 北海道噴火湾における有害赤潮形成ラフィド藻Heterosigma akashiwoの季節変動. 日本プランクトン学会報 62: 1-7.
77. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake, S. Nishino, J. Inoue and T. Kikuchi (2015) Reproductive success of Pacific copepods in the Arctic Ocean and the possibility
of changes in the Arctic ecosystem. Polar Biology 38: 1075-1079.
78. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, J. Inoue and T. Kikuchi (2015) Short-term changes in the mesozooplankton community and copepod gut pigment
in the Chukchi Sea in autumn: reflections of a strong wind event. Biogeosciences 12: 4005-4015.
79. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, A. Fujiwara, J. Onodera, E. Watanabe, N. Harada and T. Kikuchi (2015) Seasonal changes in the population structure of dominant planktonic copepods collected using a sediment trap moored in the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Natural History 49: 2711-2726.
80. Yamaguchi, A. (2015) Inter-oceanic comparison of planktonic copepod ecology (vertical distribution,
abundance, community structure, population structure and body size) between
the Okhotsk Sea and Oyashio region in autumn. Journal of Natural History 49: 2743-2757.
81. Arima, D., K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, T. Nobetsu and I Imai (2015) Seasonal and inter-species comparison of asymmetry in the genital system
of some species of the oceanic copepod genus Metridia (Copepoda, Calanoida). Crustaceana 88: 1307-1321.
82. Ershova, E.A., R.R. Hopcroft, K,N. Kosobokova, K. Matsuno, R.J. Nelson,
A. Yamaguchi and L.B. Eisner (2015) Long-term changes in summer zooplankton communities of the western Chukchi
Sea, 1945-2012. Oceanography 28: 100-115.
83. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, T. Nobetsu and I. Imai (2016) Usefulness of deep-ocean water pumping for the seasonal monitoring of mesozooplankton. Regional Studies in Marine Science 3: 18-24.
84. Abe, Y., Y. Yamada, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, K. Komatsu and I. Imai (2016) Short-term changes in abundance and population structure of dominant pelagic
amphipod species in the Oyashio region during the spring phytoplankton
bloom. Regional Studies in Marine Science 3: 154-162.
85. Yokoi, N., K. Matsuno, M. Ichinomiya, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, J. Onodera, J. Inoue and T. Kikuchi (2016) Short-term changes in a microplankton community in the Chukchi Sea during
autumn: consequences of a strong wind event. Biogeosciences 13: 913-923.
86. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, T. Nobetsu and I. Imai (2016) Seasonal abundance, population structure, sex ratio and gonad maturation
of Metridia okhotensis Brodsky, 1950 in the Okhotsk Sea: Analysis of samples collected by pumping
up from deep water. Crustaceana 89: 151-161.
87. Sasaki, H., K. Matsuno, A. Fujiwara, M. Onuka, A. Yamaguchi, H. Ueno, Y. Watanuki and T. Kikuchi (2016) Distribution of Arctic and Pacific copepods and their habitat in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Biogeosciences 13: 4555-4567.
88. Matsuno, K., J.M. Landeira Sanchez, A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake and T. Kikuchi (2016) Spatial and geographical changes in the mesozooplankton community in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summers of 2007 and 2008. Polar Science 10: 335-345.
89. Abe, Y., H. Miyamoto, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2016) Comparative ecology of three dominant pelagic chaetognaths (Eukrohnia hamata,
Parasagitta elegans, Pseudosagitta scrippsae) in the Oyashio region during
the spring phytoplankton bloom. Regional Studies in Marine Science 8: 122-132.
90. Matsuno, K., Y. Abe, A. Yamaguchi and T. Kikuchi (2016) Regional patterns and controlling factors on summer population structure
of Calanus glacialis in the western Arctic Ocean. Polar Science 10: 503-510.
91. Nishizawa, B., K. Matsuno, E.A. Labunski, K.J. Kuletz, A. Yamaguchi and Y. Watanuki (2017) Seasonal distribution of short-tailed shearwaters and their prey in the
Bering and Chukchi seas. Biogeosciences 14: 203-214.
92. Natsuike, M., K. Matsuno, T. Hirawake, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, I. Imai (2017) Possible spreading of toxic Alexandrium tamarense blooms on the Chukchi
Sea shelf with the inflow of Pacific summer water due to climatic warming.
Harmful Algae 61: 80?86.
93. Kumamoto, Y., M. Aoyama, Y. Hamajima, H. Nagai, T. Yamagata, Y. Kawai,
E. Oka, A. Yamaguchi, K. Imai, A. Murata (2017) Fukushima-derived radiocesium in the western North Pacific in 2014. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 311: 1209?1217.
94. Natsuike, M., H. Oikawa, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, I. Imai (2017) The physiological adaptations and toxin profiles of the toxic Alexandrium
fundyense on the eastern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea shelves. Harmful Algae 63: 13-22.
95. Yamaguchi, A., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, D. Arima, I. Imai (2017) Latitudinal variations in the abundance, biomass, taxonomic composition
and estimated production of epipelagic mesozooplankton along the 155°E
longitude in the western North Pacific during spring. Progress in Oceanography 150: 13-19.
96. Lindsay, D.L., J. Nishikawa, K. Sunahara, Y. Fujiwara, A. Yamaguchi (2017) First record of the doliolid genus Paradoliopsis in the Pacific Ocean.
Plankton and Benthos Research 12: 66-70.
97. Takenaka, Y., A. Yamaguchi and Y. Shigeri (2017) A light in the dark: ecology, evolution and molecular basis of copepod
bioluminescence. Journal of Plankton Research 39: 369-378.
98. Nakamura, Y., R. Somiya, N. Suzuki, M. Hidaka-Umetsu, A. Yamaguchi and D.J. Lindsay (2017) Optics-based surveys of large unicellular zooplankton: a case study on
radiolarians and phaeodarians. Plankton and Benthos Research 12: 95-103.
99. Nakamura, A., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, H. Shimada and A. Yamaguchi (2017) Length-weight relationships and chemical composition of the dominant mesozooplankton taxa/species in the subarctic Pacific, with special reference to the effect of lipid accumulation in Copepoda. Zoological Studies 56: 13, doi:10.6620/ZS.2017.56-13.
100. Landeira, J.M., K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake and T. Kikuchi (2017) Abundance, development stage, and size of decapod larvae through the Bering
and Chukchi Seas during summer. Polar Biology 40: 1805-1819.
101. Natsuike, M., R. Saito, A. Fujiwara, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, N. Shiga, T. Hirawake, T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino and I. Imai (2017) Evidence of increased toxic Alexandrium tamarense dinoflagellate blooms
in the eastern Bering Sea in the summers of 2004 and 2005. PLoS ONE 12 (11): e0188565.
102. Yokoi, N., Y. Abe, M. Kitamura, M.C. Honda and A. Yamaguchi (2018) Comparisons between POC and zooplankton swimmer flux from sediment traps in the subarctic and subtropical North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 133: 19-26.
103. 各務彰記・森田航也・嶋田 宏・山口 篤・今井一郎(2018)2015年夏季北海道函館湾における有害渦鞭毛藻Karenia mikimotoiの初検出および2015-2016年の出現動態. 日本プランクトン学会報 65: 1-11.
104. Hikichi, H., D. Arima, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, S. Hamaoka, S. Katakura,
H. Kasai and A. Yamaguchi (2018) Seasonal variability of zooplankton size spectra at Mombetsu Harbour in
the southern Okhotsk Sea during 2011: An analysis using an optical plankton
counter. Regional Studies in Marine Science 20: 34-44.
105. Landeira, J.M., K. Matsuno, Y. Tanaka and A. Yamaguchi (2018) First record of the larvae of tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi in the Chukchi
Sea: A future northward expansion in the Arctic? Polar Science 16: 86-89.
106. Tsukazaki, C., K.-i. Ishii, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2018) Distribution of viable resting stage cells of diatoms in sediments and
water columns of the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean. Phycologia 57: 440-452.
107. 大洞裕貴・宮下洋平・小林淳希・織田さやか・田中邦明・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2018) アオコ原因種Microcystis aeruginosaと水中および水草ヒシの殺藻・増殖阻害細菌の季節変動. 藻類 66: 111-117.
108. Nakamura, Y., R. Somiya, M. Kanda, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji and R.S. Hori (2018) Gazelletta kashiwaensis sp. nov. (Medusettidae, Phaeodaria, Cercozoa), its morphology, phylogeny, distribution, and feeding behavior. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65: 923-927.
109. Tokuhiro, K., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, J. Onodera, A. Fujiwara, N. Harada,
T. Hirawake and A. Yamaguchi (2019) Seasonal phenology of four dominant copepods in the Pacific sector of the
Arctic Ocean: Insights from statistical analyses of sediment trap data. Polar Science, 19: 94-111.
110. Amano, K., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2019) Yearly comparison of the planktonic chaetognath community in the Chukchi
Sea in the summers of 1991 and 2007. Polar Science, 19: 112-119.
111. Naito, A., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, B. Nishizawa, N. Kanna, S. Sugiyama and A. Yamaguchi (2019) Surface zooplankton size and taxonomic composition in Bowdoin Fjord, north-western Greenland: A comparison of ZooScan, OPC and microscopic analyses. Polar Science, 19: 120-129
112. 髙橋 卓・森本晴之・後藤常夫・井口直樹・山口 篤 (2019) 2005年5月の中部日本海能登半島周辺海域におけるカイアシ類ノープリウスの水平分布. 日本プランクトン学会報 66: 60-71.
113. Fukai, Y., K. Matsuno, A. Fujiwara and A. Yamaguchi (2019) The community composition of diatom resting stages in sediments of the
northern Bering Sea in 2017 and 2018: the relationship to the interannual
changes in the extent of the sea ice. Polar Biology, 42: 1915-1922.
114. Yamaguchi, A., C.J. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell and Y. Abe (2019) Ontogenetic vertical migration of the mesopelagic carnivorous copepod Paraeuchaeta spp. is related to their increase in body mass. Journal of Plankton Research, 41, 791?797.
115. Jimi, N., A. Yamaguchi and Y. Fujiwara (2019) Morphological and genetic confirmation of extensive distribution of a pelagic
polychaete Poeobius meseres Heath, 1930 (Annelida Flabelligeridae). Biodiversity Journal, 10: 325?328.
116. Nishizawa, B., N. Kanna, Y. Abe, Y. Ohashi, D. Sakakibara, I. Asaji,
S. Sugiyama, A. Yamaguchi and Y. Watanuki (2020) Contrasting assemblages of seabirds in the subglacial meltwater plume and
oceanic water of Bowdoin Fjord, northwestern Greenland. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77: 711-720.
117. Matsubayashi, J., Y. Osada, K. Tadokoro, Y. Abe, A. Yamaguchi, K. Shirai, K. Honda, C. Yoshikawa, N.O. Ogawa, N. Ohkouchi, N.F. Ishikawa,
T. Nagata, H. Miyamoto, S. Nishino and I. Tayasu (2020) Tracking long‐distance migration of marine fishes using compound‐specific
stable isotope analysis of amino acids. Ecology Letters 23: 881-890.
118. Yamaguchi, A., C. J. Ashjian, R. G. Campbell and Y. Abe (2020) Vertical distribution, population structure and developmental characteristics of the less studied but globally distributed mesopelagic copepod Scaphocalanus magnus in the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research 42: 368-377.
119. Matsumoto, Y. T. and A. Yamaguchi (2020) Seasonal changes in the community structure of chaetognaths and the life
cycle of the dominant chaetognath Eukrohnia hamata in the Oyashio region,
western subarctic Pacific. Plankton and Benthos Research 15: 146-155.
120. Matsuno, K., N. Kanna, S. Sugiyama, A. Yamaguchi and E. J. Yang (2020) Impacts of meltwater discharge from marine-terminating
glaciers on the protist community in Inglefield Bredning, northwestern
Greenland. Marine Ecology Progress Series 642: 55-65.
121. Tokuhiro, K., Y. Abe, J. Onodera, M. Sampei, A. Fujiwara, N. Harada,
K. Matsuno, E.-M. Nothig and A. Yamaguchi (2020) Regional comparison of seasonal changes on copepod community structure
in the Arctic Ocean. Polar Science 24: 100509.
122. Abe, Y., K. Matsuno, A. Fujiwara and A. Yamaguchi. (2020) Review of spatial and inter-annual changes in the zooplankton community
structure in the western Arctic Ocean during summers of 2008?2017. Progress in Oceanography 186: 102391.
123. Inaba, N., I. Kodama, S. Nagai, T. Shiraishi, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai. (2020) Distribution of harmful algal growth-limiting bacteria on artificially
introduced Ulva and natural macroalgal beds. Applied Science 10(16): 5658.
124. Kajihara, H. and A. Yamaguchi (2020) A morphological note on the pelagic polystiliferous hoplonemertean Protopelagonemertes
beebei (Nemertea: Pelagica). Plankton and Benthos Research, 15, 337-341.
125. Fukai, Y., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2020) Spatial changes in the summer diatom community of the northern Bering Sea in 2017 and 2018. Deep-Sea Research II 181-182: 104903.
126. Kimura, F., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, R.R. Hopcroft and A. Yamaguchi (2020) Seasonal changes in the zooplankton community and population structure
in the northern Bering Sea from June to September, 2017. Deep-Sea Research II 181-182: 104901.
127. Maekakuchi, M., K. Matsuno, J. Yamamoto, Y. Abe and A. Yamaguchi (2020) Abundance, horizontal and vertical distribution of epipelagic ctenophores
and scyphomedusae in the northern Bering Sea in summer 2017 and 2018: Quantification
by underwater video imaging analysis. Deep-Sea Research II 181-182: 104818.
128. Nishizawa, B., N. Yamada, H. Hayashi, C. Wright, K. Kuletz, H. Ueno, T. Mukai, A. Yamaguchi and Y. Watanuki (2020) Timing of spring sea-ice retreat and summer seabird-prey associations in the northern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 181-182: 104898.
129. Onishi, Y., A. Tuji, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2020) Distribution of growth-inhibiting bacteria against the toxic dinoflagellate
Alexandrium catenella (Group I) in Akkeshi-Ko estuary and Akkeshi Bay,
Hokkaido, Japan. Applied Sciences, 11, 172.
130. Amei, K., N. Jimi, M. Kitamura, N. Yokoi and A. Yamaguchi (2020) Community structure and seasonal changes in population structure of pelagic
polychaetes collected by sediment traps moored in the subarctic and subtropical
western North Pacific Ocean. Zoosymposia, 19, 41-50.
131. Hirawake, T., M. Uchida, H. Abe, I.D. Alabia, T. Hoshino, S. Masumoto, A.S. Mori, J. Nishioka, B. Nishizawa, A. Ooki, A. Takahashi, Y. Tanabe, M. Tojo, M. Tsuji, H. Ueno, H. Waga, Y.Y. Watanabe, A. Yamaguchi and Y. Yamashita (2021) Response of Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem to environmental changes:
Findings from the ArCS project. Polar Science, 27, 100533.
132. Yamaguchi, A., F. Kimura, Y. Fukai, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, A. Ooki and T. Hirawake (2021)
Between-year comparison of interactions between environmental parameters
and various plankton stocks in the northern Bering Sea during the summers
of 2017 and 2018. Polar Science, 27, 100555.
133. Sugiyama, S., N. Kanna, D. Sakakibara, T. Ando, I. Asaji, K. Kondo,
Y. Wang, Y. Fujishi, S. Fukumoto, E. Podolskiy, Y. Fukamachi, M. Takahashi,
S. Matoba, Y. Iizuka, R. Greve, M. Furuya, K. Tateyama, T. Watanabe, S.
Yamasaki, A. Yamaguchi, B. Nishizawa, K. Matsuno, D. Nomura, Y. Sakuragi, Y. Matsumura, Y. Ohashi,
T. Aoki, M. Niwano, N. Hayashi, M. Minowa, G. Jouvet, E. van Dongen, A.
Bauder, M. Funk, A.A. Bjork and T. Oshima (2021) Rapidly changing glaciers, ocean and coastal environments, and their impact
on human society in the Qaanaaq region, northwestern Greenland. Polar Science, 27, 100632.
134. Matsumoto, T., K. Matsuno, S. Katakura, H. Kasai and A. Yamaguchi (2021) Seasonal variability of the protist community and production in the southern
Okhotsk Sea revealed by weekly monitoring. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 43, 101683.
135. Amei, K., R. Dobashi, N. Jimi, M. Kitamura and A. Yamaguchi (2021) Vertical changes in abundance, biomass and community structure of pelagic
polychaetes down to 1000 m depths at Station K2 in the western subarctic
Pacific Ocean covering the four seasons and day-night. Journal of Plankton Research, 43, 442-457.
136. Nakamura, Y., A. Tuji, K. Kimoto, A. Yamaguchi, R.S. Hori and N. Suzuki (2021) Ecology, morphology, phylogeny and taxonomic revision of giant radiolarians,
Orodaria ord. nov. (Radiolaria; Rhizaria; SAR). Protist, 172, 125808.
137. Campbell, M.D., Schoeman, D.S., Venables, W., Abu-Alhaija, R., Batten, S.D., Chiba, S., Coman, F., Davies, C.H., Edwards, M., Eriksen, R.S., Everett, J.D., Fukai, Y., Fukuchi, M., Esquivel Garrote, O., Hosie, G., Huggett, J.A., Johns, D.G., Kitchener, J.A., Koubbi, P., McEnnulty, F.R., Muxagata, E., Ostle, C., Robinson, K.V., Slotwinski, A., Swadling, K.M., Takahashi, K.T., Tonks, M., Uribe-Palomino, J., Verheye, H.M., Wilson, W.H., Worship, M.M., Yamaguchi, A., Zhang, W. and Richardson, A.J. (2021) Testing Bergmann's rule in marine copepods. Ecography, 44, 1283-1295.
138. Nishizawa, B., J. Okado, Y. Mitani, T. Nakamura, A. Yamaguchi, T. Mukai and Y. Watanuki. (2022) Two species of seabirds foraged in contrasting marine habitats across the
cold-water belt along the coast of northern Hokkaido in the southwestern
Okhotsk Sea. Fisheries Science, 88(1), 109-118.
139. Hamao, Y., K. Matsuno, Y. Mitani and A. Yamaguchi. (2022) Spatial distribution of the protist community in the southern part of the
Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido during summer. Journal of Oceanography, 78, 89-101.
140. Kimura, F., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, A. Yamaguchi. (2022) Effects of early sea-ice reduction on zooplankton community and population structure in the northern Bering Sea during the summers of 2017 and 2018. Frontier in Maine Science, 9, 808910, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.808910.
141. Yamaguchi, A., C. J. Ashjian and R. G. Campbell. (2022) Comparison of population structure, vertical distribution and growth of
sympatric, carnivorous, mesopelagic copepods, Paraeuchaeta glacialis and Heterorhabdus norvegicus, in the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research, 44, 443-453.
142. 山口 篤・濱尾優介・松野孝平・飯田高大.(2022) 2021年秋季北海道太平洋沿岸における有害赤潮藻Karenia selliformisの水平分布および植物プランクトンの群集構造.水産海洋研究,86(2),41-49.
143. Kojima, D., Y. Hamao, K. Amei, Y. Fukai, K. Matsuno, Y. Mitani and A. Yamaguchi. (2022) Vertical distribution, standing stocks, and taxonomic accounts of the entire plankton community, and the estimation of vertical material flux via faecal pellets in the southern Okhotsk Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 185, 103771. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103771.
144. Koguchi, Y., K. Tokuhiro, C.J. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell and A. Yamaguchi (2022) Inter-species comparison of the copepodite stage morphology, vertical distribution,
and seasonal population structure of five sympatric mesopelagic aetideid
copepods in the western Arctic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 943100. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.943100
145. Kanna, N., S. Sugiyama, T. Ando, Y. Wang, Y. Sakuragi, T. Hazumi,
K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, J. Nishioka and Y. Yamashita (2022) Meltwater discharge from marine-terminating glaciers drives biogeochemical
conditions in a Greenlandic fjord. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36, e2022GB007411. doi: 10.1029/2022GB007411
146. Teraoka, T., K. Amei, Y. Fukai, K. Matsuno, H. Onishi, A. Ooki, T. Takatsu and A. Yamaguchi (2022) Seasonal changes in taxonomic, size composition, and Normalised Biomass Size Spectra (NBSS) of mesozooplankton communities in the Funka Bay, southwestern Hokkaido: Insights from ZooScan analysis. Plankton and Benthos Research 17, 339-382.
147. Endo, Y., Y. Sato, A. Yamaguchi and I. Dovgal (2022) Host-epibiont relationship between calanoid copepods and suctorian ciliates
in the northern North Pacific Ocean. Plankton and Benthos Research 17, 393-405.
148. Koguchi, Y., K. Tokuhiro, C.J. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Body length, dry and ash-free dry weights, and developmental changes at each copepodid stage in five sympatric mesopelagic aetideid copepods in the western Arctic Ocean. Crustaceana, 96, 113?129.
149. Taniguchi, R., K. Amei, K. Tokuhiro, Y. Yamada, M. Kitamura and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Diel, seasonal and vertical changes in the pelagic amphipod communities
in the subarctic Pacific: insights from imaging analysis. Journal of Plankton Research, 45, 554?570.
150. Amei, K., R. Dobashi, M. Kitamura and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Diel, seasonal and vertical changes in the abundance, biomass and community
structure of pelagic polychaetes at the subtropical station S1 in the western
North Pacific: comparison with the results from the subarctic station K2. Journal of Plankton Research, 45, 661?676.
151. Kim, D., K. Amei, S. Komeda, K. Tokuhiro, M.N. Aita, F. Hyodo and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Vertical, spatial, size, and taxonomic variations in stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of zooplankton and other pelagic organisms in the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I, 197, 104045.
152. Aizawa, M., T. Gao and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Seasonal changes in vertical distribution and population structure of the
dominant hydrozoan Aglantha digitale in the western subarctic Pacific. Oceans, 4, 242-252.
153. Nakamura, Y., H. Zhang and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Vertical distribution, community and population structures of the planktonic
Chaetognatha in the western subarctic Pacific: Insights on the Eukrohnia species group. Oceans, 4, 253-268.
154. Ishihara, M., K. Matsuno, K. Tokuhiro, Y. Ando, K. Sato and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Geographic variation in population structure and grazing features of Calanus
glacialis/marshallae in the Pacific Arctic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1168015.
155. Matsuno, K., K. Sumiya, M. Tozawa, D. Nomura, H. Sasaki, A. Yamaguchi and H. Murase (2023) Responses of diatom assemblages and life cycle to sea ice variation in the eastern Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer 2018/2019. Progress in Oceanography, 218, 103117.
156. Nakamura, Y., H. Itagaki, A. Tuji, S. Shimode, A. Yamaguchi, K. Hidaka and E. Ogiso-Tanaka (2023) DNA metabarcoding focused on difficult-to-culture protists: An effective approach to clarify biological interactions. Environmental Microbiology, 25, 3630?3638
157. Yamamae, K., Y. Nakamura, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Vertical changes in zooplankton abundance, biomass, and community structure at seven stations down to 3000 m in neighboring waters of Japan during the summer: Insights from ZooScan imaging analysis. Progress in Oceanography, 219, 103155.
158. Dovgal, I., A. Yamaguchi, D. Kojima and Y. Endo (2023) Copterus tyloloricatus (Ciliophora, Suctorea), a new suctorian genus and species. European Journal of Protistology, 91, 126036.
159. Kumagai, S., K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2023) Zooplankton size composition and production just after drastic ice coverage
changes in the northern Bering Sea assessed via ZooScan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1233492.
160. Tokuhiro, K., K. Matsuno, J. Onodera, M. Sampei, A. Fujiwara, N. Harada, B. Niehoff, E.-M. Nöthig and A. Yamaguchi (2024) Sediment trap samples reveal regional differences in the population structure of Calanus hyperboreus from the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research, 46, 183-193, https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbad059
161. Teraoka, T., S. Nagao, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2024) The modified artificial cohort method for three dominant pelagic copepods
in the northern North Pacific revealed species-specific differences in
the optimum temperature. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1397721. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1397721.
162. Matsuno, K., R. Sugioka, Y. Maeda, R. Driscoll, F.L. Schaafsma, S.
Driscoll, A. Yamaguchi, R. Matsukura, H. Sasaki and H. Murase. (2024) Spatiotemporal changes in the community and demography of mesozooplankton
in the eastern Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer
2018/2019. Progress in Oceanography, 229, 103360. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103360.
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23. Yamaguchi, A., K. Ohgi, T. Kobari, G. Padmavati and T. Ikeda (2011). Phenology in large grazing copepods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic
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25. Homma, T., A. Yamaguchi, J. R. Bower and I. Imai (2011). Vertical changes in abundance, biomass, and community structure of copepods
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26. 夏池真史・金森 誠・馬場勝寿・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2012) 噴火湾における球形シャットネラChattonella globosaの初報告. 北大水産彙報 62: 9-13.
27. Shiota, T., A. Yamaguchi, R. Saito, I. Imai (2012). Geographical variations in abundance and body size of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the northern North Pacific and its adjacent seas. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 62: 63-69.
28. 塩田知也・阿部義之・齋藤 類・松野孝平・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2013) 光学式プランクトンカウンターによる北太平洋外洋域における動物プランクトン群集の空間変動解析. 北大水産彙報 63: 13-22.
29. Lindsay, D.J., H. Yoshida, S. Ishibashi, M. Umetsu, A. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, J. Nishikawa, J.D. Reimer, H. Watanabe, K. Fujikura and T. Maruyama (2013) The uROV PICASSO, the Visual Plankton Recorder, and other attempts to image
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30. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, H. Asami, H. Shimada and I. Imai (2014) Seasonal changes in zooplankton community structure in Ishikari Bay, Japan
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31. 大西由花・山口篤・今井一郎 (2014) 北海道東部厚岸湖および厚岸湾における微生物食物網を構成する微生物群の春季から初夏の変動. 北大水産彙報 64: 45-54.
32. Abe, Y., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno, T. Kono and I. Imai (2014) Short-term changes in the population structure of hydromedusa Aglantha digitale during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 64: 71-81.
33. 竹中康浩・山口 篤・茂里 康 (2015) カイアシ類 (海洋プランクトン) ルシフェラーゼの構造と進化. 生化学 87: 138-143.
34. 松本健太郎・有馬大地・松野孝平・山﨑康裕・大西広二・大木淳之・平譯 享・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2016) 西部北太平洋155°E線に沿った春季植物プランクトン群集の水平および鉛直分布:多波長励起蛍光光度計による解析. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 66: 29-38.
35. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, A. Fujiwara, J. Onodera, E. Watanabe, N. Harada and T. Kikuchi (2016)
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36. Tomiyama, K., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, H. Shimada and A. Yamaguchi (2017) Inter-oceanic differences in macrozooplankton biomas and community structure
in four regions around Hokkaido Island, Japan: consequences for marine
ecosystem structure. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 67: 25-34.
37. Maekakuchi, M., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, T. Hirawake and A. Yamaguchi (2018) Horizontal and vertical distribution of the appendicularian community and
population structure in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summer of
2007. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 68: 43-49.
38. 三島かおり・松野孝平・山口 篤 (2019) 光学式プランクトンカウンターによる夏季の西部北太平洋における動物プランクトン群集のサイズ構造解析. 北大水産彙報 69: 37-45.
39. 濵 斉之・阿部義之・松野孝平・山口 篤 (2019) 4連ノルパックネットを用いたネット目合いの違いが濾過効率と採集効率に与える影響に関する研究. 北大水産彙報 69: 47-56.
40. Matsuno, K., A. Fujiwara, T. Hirawake and A. Yamaguchi (2019) Ingestion rates and grazing impacts of Arctic and Pacific copepods in the western Arctic Ocean during autumn. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 69: 93-102.
41. 柊 萌乃・山口 篤 (2019) 初夏のオホーツク海における深海におよぶ優占大型カイアシ類の鉛直分布および個体群構造. 北大水産彙報 69: 83-91.
42. Hanamiya, Y., H. Murase, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi. (2020) Vertical distribution, community structure, and active carbon flux of two
Macrozooplankton taxa: Amphipods and Euphausiids in the summer of the western
North Pacific. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 70(1): 77?89.
43. Abe, Y., N. Hildebrandt, K. Matsuno, B. Niehoff and A. Yamaguchi. (2020) Comparison of the vertical distribution of pelagic copepod abundance, biomass
and community structure between the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the
Arctic Ocean. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 70(1): 91-102.
44. Yamaguchi, A. (2021) Impacts of diel vertical migration of the copepod Metridia pacifica on
primary production and respiratory carbon flux in the subarctic Pacific
Ocean. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 71: 29-37.
45. Sugioka, R., K. Matsuno, K.D. Takahashi, R. Makabe, K.T. Takahashi, M. Moteki, T. Odate and A. Yamaguchi (2021) North-south changes of zooplankton community and copepods population along
the 110°E line in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral
summer. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 71: 39-50.
46. 小林淳希・宮下洋平・大洞裕貴・織田さやか・田中邦明・松野孝平・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2021) 北海道渡島大沼および小沼における植物プランクトンの季節的変動. 北海道大学水産科学研究紀要 60: 33-67.
47. Fukai, Y., S. Chiba, S. Batten, Y. Sasaki, K. Matsuno, A. Richardson
and A. Yamaguchi (2022) Seasonal, regional, and diel changes in the abundance of five large, dominant
copepods in the western subarctic Pacific: Insights from Continuous Plankton
Recorder surveys. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 72: 17-26.
48. Egashira, K., Y.-S. Huang, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2024) East-west differences of the microplankton community along the 47°N transect
in the subarctic Pacific during the summer of 2021. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 74, 23-33.
49. Wang, L., X. Ma, D. Kim, K. Matsuno and A. Yamaguchi (2024) Size spectra of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the western North Pacific
during May: A comparison between subarctic and transitional domains. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 74, 13-22.
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