北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座教授 池田勉
レフリー制(1995年以降) それ以前についてはこちらを参照して下さい
67. Onbe, T. and Ikeda, T. 1995. Marine cladocerans in Toyama Bay, southern
Japan Sea: Seasonal occurrance and day-night vertical distributions. J.
Plankton Res. 17: 595-609.
68. Iguchi, N. and Ikeda, T. 1995. Growth, metabolism and growth efficiency
of a euphausiid crustacean Euphausia pacifica in the Japan Sea, as influenced
by temperature. J. Plankton Res. 17: 145-157.
69. Ikeda, T. 1995. Distribution, growth and life cycle of the mesopelagic
amphipod Primno abyssalis (Hyperidea: Phrosinidae) in the southern Japan
Sea. Mar. Biol.125: 789-798.
70. Ikeda, T. 1996. Metabolism, body composition, and energy budget of
the mesopelagic fish Maurolicus muelleri in the Sea of Japan. Fish. Bull.,
U. S. 94: 49-58.
71. Ikeda, T. and Imamura, A. 1996. Abundance, vertical distribution and
life cycle of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in Toyama Bay, southern
Japan Sea. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 43: 31-43.
72. Ikeda, T. and Hirakawa, K. 1996. Early development and estimated life
cycle of the mesopelagic copepod Pareuchaeta elongata in the southern Japan
Sea. Mar. Biol. 126: 261-270.
73. Ozaki, K. and Ikeda, T.1997. The effect of temperature on the development
of eggs and nauplii of the mesopelagic copepod Paraeuchaeta elongata. Plankton.
Biol. Ecol. 44: 91-95.
74. Ikeda, T.and Hirakawa, K. 1998. Metabolism and body composition of
zooplankton in the cold mesopelagic zone of the southern Japan Sea. Plankton
Biol. Ecol.45: 31-44.
75. Ozaki, K and Ikeda, T. 1998. Development time and generation length
of the mesopelagic copepod Paraeuchaeta elongata reared in the laboratory.
Plankton Biol. Ecol.45: 75-78.
76. Iguchi, N and Ikeda, T. 1998. Elemental composition (C,H,N) of a euphausiid
Euphausia pacifica in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol.45:
77. Omori, M., Norman, C.P. and Ikeda, T. 1998. Ocean disposal of CO2:
potential effects on deep-sea plankton and micronekton. Plankton Biol.
Ecol.45: 87-99.
78. Yamaguchi,A.,Ikeda, T.and Shiga, N. 1998. Population structure and
life cycle of Pseudocalanus minutus and Pseudocalanus newmani (Copepoda:
Calanoida) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 45:
79. Yamada, Y. and Ikeda, T. 1999. Acute toxicity of lowered pH to some
oceanic zooplankton. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 62-67.
80. Iguchi, N. and Ikeda, T. 1999. Production, metabolism and P:B ratio
of Euphausia pacifica (Crustacea; Euphausiacea) in Toyama Bay, southern
Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 68-74.
81. Ikeda, T. and N. Shiga. 1999. Production, metabolism and production/biomass
(P/B) ratio of Themisto japonica (Crustacea; Amphipoda) in Toyama Bay,
southern Japan Sea. J. Plankton Res. 21: 299-308.
82. Yamaguchi, A., Ikeda, T. and Hirakawa, K. 1999. Diel vertical migration,
population structure and life cycle of the copepod Scolecithricella minor
(Calanoida: Scolecithrichidae) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton
Biol. Ecol. 46: 54-61.
83. Ozaki, K. and Ikeda, T. 1999. Vertical distribution, population structue
and life cycle of the mesopelagic copepod Paraeuchaeta elongata off Cape
Esan, southwest Hokkaido, Japan. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 48: 48-53.
84. Lee, H.W., Ban, S., Ando, Y., Ota, T. and Ikeda, T. 1999. Deleterious
effect of diatom diets on egg production and hatching success in the marine
copepod Pseudocalanus newmani. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 104-112.
85. Kobari, T. and Ikeda, T. 1999. Vertical distribution, population structure
and life cycle of Neocalanus cristatus (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Oyashio
region, with notes on its regional variations. Mar. Biol.134: 683-696.
86. Tomita, M., Ikeda, T. and Shiga, N. 1999. Production of Oikopleura
longicauda (Tunicata: Appendicularia) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea.
J. Plankton Res. 21: 2421-2430.
87. Yamaguchi, A. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Vertical distribution, life cycle
and body allometry of two oceanic copepods (Pleuromamma scutulata and Heterorhabdus
tanneri) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific Ocean. J. Plankton
Res. 22: 29-46.
88. Shinada, A., Ikeda, T., Ban, S. and Tsuda, A. 2000. Seasonal changes
in micro-zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton assemblages in the Oyashio
region, western subarctic Pacific. Plankton Biol. Ecol., 47: 85-92.
89. Yamaguchi, A. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Vertical distribution, life cycle,
and developmental characteristics of the mesopelagic calanoid copepod Gaidius
variabilis (Aetideidae) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. Mar.
Biol. 137: 99-109.
90. Yamada, Y. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Development, maturation, brood size
and generation length of the mesopelagic amphipod Cyphocaris challengeri
(Gammaridea: Lysianassidae) off southwest Hokkaido, Japan. Mar. Biol. 137:
91. Kobari, T. and Ikeda, T. 2001. Life cycle of Neocalanus flemingeri
(Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific,
with notes on its regional variations. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 209: 243-255.
92. Kobari, T. and Ikeda, T. 2001. Ontogenetic vertical migration and life
cycle of Neocalanus plumchrus (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Oyashio region,
with notes on regional variations in body sizes. J. Plankton Res. 23: 287-302.
93. Yamaguchi, A. and Ikeda, T. 2001. Abundance and population structure
of three mesopelagic Paraeuchaeta species (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the
Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean with notes on their carcasses
and epizoic ciliates. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 48: 104-113.
94. Lee, H.-W., Ikeda, T. and Ban, S. 2001. Metabolism, body composition
(C and N) and estimated net growth efficiency of a calanoid copepod Pseudocalanus
newmani raised at different temperatures in the laboratory. Plankton Biol.
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95. Ikeda, T., Kanno, Y., Ozaki, K. and Shinada, A. 2001. Metabolic rates
of epipelagic marine copepods as a function of body mass and temperature.
Mar. Biol. 139: 587-596.
96. Shinada, A., Ikeda, T., Ban, S. and Tsuda, A. 2001. Seasonal dynamics
of planktonic food chain in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific.
J. Plankton Res. 23: 1237-1247.
97. Kaeriyama, H. and Ikeda, T. 2002. Body allometry and developmental
characteristics of the three dominant pelagic ostracods (Discoconchoecia
pseudodiscophora, Orthoconchoecia haddoni, and Metaconchoecia skogsbergi)
in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49:
98. Kaeriyama, H. and Ikeda, T. 2002. Vertical distribution and population
structure the three dominant pelagic ostracods (Discoconchoecia pseudodiscophora,
Orthoconchoecia haddoni, and Metaconchoecia skogsbergi) in the Oyashio
region, western North Pacific. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49: 66-74.
99. Yamada, Y., Ikeda, T. and Tsuda, A. 2002. Abundance, growth and life
cycle of the mesopelagic amphipod Primno abyssalis (Hyperiidea: Phrosinidae)
in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Mar. Biol. 141: 333-341.
100. Ikeda, T., Hirakawa, K. and N. Shiga. 2002. Production, metabolism
and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of Metridia pacifica (Crustacea: Copepoda)
in Toyama Bay,southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49: 58-65.
101. Yamaguchi, A., Watanabe, Y., Ishida, H., Harimoto, T., Furusawa, K.,
Suzuki, S., Ishizaka, J., Ikeda, T. and Takahashi, M. 2002. Structure and
size distribution of plankton communities down to the greater depths in
the western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. II 49: 5513-5529.
102. Yamaguchi, A., Watanabe, Y., Ishida, H., Harimoto, T., Furusawa, K., Suzuki, S., Ishizaka, J., Ikeda, T. and Takahashi, M. 2002. Community and trophic structures of pelagic copepods down to greater depths in the western subarctic Pacific (WEST-COSMIC). Deep-Sea Res. I 49: 1007-1025.
103. Padmavati, G., Ikeda, T. 2002. Development of Metridia pacifica (Crustacea: Copepoda) reared at different temperatures in the laboratory. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49: 93-96.
104. Lee, H.W., Ban, S., Ikeda, T., Matsuishi, T. 2003. Effect of temperature on development, growth and reproduction in the marine
copepod Pseudocalanus newmani at satiating food concentration. J. Plankton Res. 25: 261-271.
105. Yamada, Y. and Ikeda, T. 2003. Metabolism and chemical composition of four pelagic amphipods in the Oyashio
region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253: 233-241.
106. Kobari, T., Ikeda, T., Kanno, Y., Shiga, N., Takagi, S., Azumaya, T. 2003. Interannual variations in abundance and body size in Neocalanus copepods in the central North Pacific. J. Plankton Res. 25: 483-494.
107. Tomita, M., Shiga, N., Ikeda, T. 2003. Seasonal occurrence and vertical distribution of appendicularians in Toyama
Bay, southern Japan Sea. J. Plankton Res. 25: 579-589.
108. Shinada, A., Ban, S., Ikeda, T. 2003. Seasonal changes in nano/micro-zooplankton herbivory and heterotrophic
nano-flagellates bacterivory off Cape Esan, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. J. Oceanogr. 59: 609-618.
109. Yamaguchi, A., Ikeda, T., Watanabe, Y., Ishizaka, J. 2004. Vertical distribution patterns of pelagic copepods as viewed from the "predation pressure" hypothesis. Zool. Studies 43: 475-485.
110. Padmavati, G., Ikeda, T., Yamaguchi, A. 2004. Life cycle, population structure and vertical distribution of Metridia
spp. (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region (NW Pacific Ocean). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 270: 181-198.
111. Ikeda, T., Sano, F., Yamaguchi, A. 2004. Metabolism and body composition of a copepod Neocalanus cristatus (Crustacea)
from the bathypelagic zone of the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. Mar. Biol. 145: 1181-1190.
112. Taniguchi, M., T. Kanehisa, T. Sawabe, R. Christen and T. Ikeda 2004. Molecular phylogeny of Neocalanus copepods in the subarctic Pacific Ocean, with notes on non-geographical genetic variations for Neocalanus cristatus. J. Plankton Res. 26: 1249-1255.
113. Yamada, Y., T. Ikeda and A. Tsuda 2004. Comparative life-history study on sympatric hyperiid amphipods (Themisto
pacifica and T. japonica) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. Mar. Biol. 145: 515-527.
114. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda 2004. Vertical distribution, abundance and community structure of oncaeid copepods
in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Mar. Biol. 145: 931-941.
115. Kaeriyama, H. and T. Ikeda 2004. Metabolism and chemical composition of mesopelagic ostracods in the western North Pacific Ocean. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 61: 535-541.
116. Ikeda, T., F. Sano and A. Yamaguchi 2004. Metabolism and body composition of a copepod (Neocalanus cristatus: Crustacea)
from the bathypelagic zone of the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Mar. Biol. 145: 1181-1190.
117. Hernandez-Leon, S. and T. Ikeda 2005. A global assessment of mesozooplankton respiration in the ocean. J. Plankton Res. 27: 153-158.
118. Shoden, S., T. Ikeda, and A. Yamaguchi 2005. Vertical distribution, population structure and lifecycle of Eucalanus bungii (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, with notes on its regional variations. Mar. Biol. 146: 497-511
119. Watanabe, Y., A. Yamaguchi, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, S. Suzuki, Y. Sekido, T. Ikeda, Y. Shirayama, M. M. Takahashi, T. Ohsumi and J. Ishizaka (2006) Lethality of increasing CO2 levels on deep-sea copepods in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 62: 185-196.
120. Yamada, Y. and T. Ikeda (2006). Production, metabolism and trophic importance of four pelagic amphipods
in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 308: 155-163.
121. Takahashi, D. and T. Ikeda (2006). Abundance, vertical distribution
and life cycle patterns of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the Oyashio
region, western subarctic Pacific. Plankton and Benthos Research 1: 91-96.
122. Ikeda, T. F. Sano, A. Yamaguchi, T. Matsuishi (2006). Metabolism of mesopelagic and bathypelagic copepods in the western North
Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 322: 199-211.
123. Ikeda, T., A. Yamaguchi and T. Matsuishi (2006). Chemical composition and energy content of deep-sea calanoid copepods in the Western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 53: 1791-1809.
124. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda (2007). Vertical distribution, population structure and life cycles of four oncaeid copepods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Marine Biology 150: 609-625.
125. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda (2007). Laboratory observations on early development of the oncaeid copepod Triconia canadensis from the mesopelagic zone of the western subarctic Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87: 479-482.
126. Ikeda, T., F. Sano and A. Yamaguchi (2007). Respiration in marine pelagic copepods: a global-bathymetric model. Marine Ecology Progress Series 339: 215-219.
127. Yamaguchi, A., S. Ohtsuka, K. Hirakawa and T. Ikeda (2007). Vertical distribution and feeding ecology of a copepod Gaetanus variabilis in the southern Japan Sea during winter. La Mer 45: 47-58.
128. Ikeda, T. F. Sano, A. Yamaguchi and T. Matsuishi (2007). RNA:DNA ratios of calanoid copepods from the epipelagic through abyssopelagic zones of the North Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Biology 1: 99-108.
129. Ozawa, M., A. Yamaguchi, T. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe and J. Ishizaka (2007). Abundance and community structure of chaetognaths from the epipelagic through
abyssopelagic zones in the western North Pacific and its adjacent seas. Plankton Benthos Research 2: 184-197.
130. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda (2008). Metabolism and elemental composition of four oncaeid copepods in the western
subarctic Pacific. Marine Biology 153: 397-404.
131. Ikeda, T., N. Shiga and A. Yamaguchi (2008). Structure, biomass distribution and trophodynamics of the Pelagic ecosystem in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 64: 339-354.
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18. 品田晃良、伴修平、池田勉、津田敦、斎藤宏明2000.親潮域における低次食物連鎖構造の季節変化.日本プランクトン学会報.47:
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21. 池田 勉2001.動物プランクトンの生活史と生産量の総合研究―日本海富山湾でのケース・スタデイ.月刊海洋号外27:
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23. Yamaguchi, A. and Ikeda, T. 2002. Reproductive and developmental characteristics
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24. 池田 勉 2002. 海洋動物プランクトンの実験生態学的研究. 海の研究 11:
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26. Ikeda, T. and Wheeler, P.W. 2002. Ocean impacts from the bottom of
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27. 山口 篤・池田 勉 2003. 中・深層性かいあし類をめぐる被食・捕食関係.
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3. 池田勉,1995.動物プランクトンの生産力測定.国際農林水産業研究センター研究会報告集
3: 39.
4. Ikeda, T. 1996. Life history of major zooplankton species in the southern
Japan Sea: a review. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)
Fifth Annual Meeting Program, 26-27 (Abstract), plus 10p (summary paper).
5. Yamada, Y. and Ikeda, T. 1998. Biology of the mesopelagic gammarid amphipod
Cyphocaris challengeri off southwest Hokkaido: developmental pattern and
maturity. Proc. Int. Mar. Sci. Symp., Aug. 1998, Mutsu and Hakodate, 138-140.
6. Kobari, T. and Ikeda, T. 1998. Life cycle of Neocalanus plumchrus(Crustacea:
Copepoda) in the Oyashio region. Proc. Int. Mar. Sci. Symp., Aug. 1998,
Mutsu and Hakodate, 141- 144.
7. Yamaguchi, A. and Ikeda, T. 1998. Vertical distribution and life cycle
of two meso- pelagic calanoid copepods (Pleuromamma scatullata and Heterophabdus
tanneri) in the Oyashio region. Proc. Int. Mar. Sci. Symp., Aug. 1998,
Mutsu and Hakodate,145-147.
8.Kobari, T. and Ikeda, T. 1999. Interannual variabilities in abundance
and body size of Neocalanus copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the central
North Pacific. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Eighth
Meeting Program, 61 (Abstract), plus 16p. (Extended abstract).
9. Yamada, Y. and Ikeda, T. 2000.The developmental pattern and maturation
of the hyperiid amphipod Primno abyssalis in the Oyashio region, western
subarctic Pacific. PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp. Abs.p.155.
10. Padmavati, G. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Vertical distribution and generation
time of Metridia pacifica in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific
Ocean. PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp. Abs.p.115
11. Nishiuchi, K. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Interannual variabilities in abundance
of Sagitta elegans, S. scrippsae and Eukrohnia hamata (Chaetognatha) in
the central North Pacific. PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp.Abs. p.106.
12. Shinada, A., Ikeda, T. and Ban, S. 2000. Planktonic food chain dynamics
in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. PICES IX Annual Meeting
Symp.Abs. p.133.
13. Kobari, T. and Ikeda, T. 2000. The relationship between body size and
water temperature of Neocalanus copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the subarctic
Pacific. PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp.Abs, p.81-81.
14.Ozaki, K. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Life cycle of the mesopelagic copepod
Paraeuchaeta elongata off Cape Esan, Hokkaido, Japan (western subarctic
Pacific). PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp. Abs. 114.
15. Kaeriyama, H. and Ikeda, T. 2000. Seasonal variations in abundance
and community structure of planktonic ostracods in the Oyashio region (Site
H). PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp. Abs. p. 73.
16.Kanehisa, T., Sawabe, T., Ezura, Y. and Ikeda, T. 2000. 18srDNA sequence
and phylogenetic analysis of Neocalanus cristatus (Crustacea: Copepoda).
PICES IX Annual Meeting Symp. Abs. p. 73.
17.Yamada, Y. and Ikeda, T. 2001. Seasoanl variability in the abundance
and biomass of four pelagic amphipods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic
Pacific. PICES X Annual Meeting Symp. Abs. p. 23-24.
18.Kaeriyama, H. and Ikeda, T. 2001. Seasonal variations in vertical distribution
and population structure of the three dominant oceanic ostracods (Conchoecia
pseudodiscophora, C. haddoni and C. skogsbergi) in the Oyashio region (Site
H), western North Pacific Ocean. PICES X Annual Meeting Symp. Abs. p. 17.
IV. 著書
1. 大森 信・池田 勉 1975. 動物プランクトン生態研究法. 共立出版 229p
2. Omori, M. and Ikeda, T. 1984. (Book). Methods in marine zooplankton
ecology. John Wiley and Sons Inc. USA 332p.
3.平川和正・井口直樹・池田勉 1999.日本海における温暖化と餌料プランクトンの動態.
p.219-238. 河野昭一・井村治共編「環境変動と生物集団」海遊舎
4. 池田 勉 2000.プランクトンの生態学.83-99.日高敏隆編「水と生命の生態学」講談社
5. Ikeda, T., Torres, J.J., Hernandez-Leon, S. and Geiger, S.P. 2000. Metabolism. 455−532. In:
Harris, R.H. et al. (eds). ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual. Academic
6. Hernandez-Leon, S. and T. Ikeda (2005) Zooplanktyon respiration. In;
Respiration in Aquatic Ecosystems, (P.A. del Giorgio and P.J. leb Williams,
eds). P. 57-82, Oxford Univ. Press.
1. Ikeda, T., Gilmartin, M., Revelante, N., Mitchell, A. W., Carleton,
J. H., Dixon, P., Hutchinson, S. M., Hing Fay, E., Boto, G. M. and lseki,
K. 1980. Biological, chemical and physical observation of the Great Barrier
Reef, North Queensland 1975-1978. AIMS Tech. Bull., 1: 56p.
2. Ikeda, T., Hosie, G. and Kirkwood, J. 1984. ADBEX II Cruise krill/zooplankton
sampling data. ANARE Res. Notes 32p.
3. Ikeda, T., Hosie, G. and Stolp, M. 1986. SIBEX II cruise krill/zooplankton
data. ANARE Res. Note, 32: 70p.
4. Hosie, G.W., Ikeda, T., Stolp, M. and Williams, R. 1987. ADBEX III cruise
krill/zoo- plankton sampling data. ANARE Research Notes. 57: 34p.
5. 斉藤拓郎・池田勉、1994. 雲仙普賢岳噴火による漁場環境影響調査ーその経過.水産世界
7: 76-79.
6. 池田勉,1995. 縁辺海の物質循環プロジェクトー東シナ海をモデル海域として.水産の研究
14: 99.
7. Ikeda, T. 1995. Ecological and physiological features of marine zooplankton.
Awardee's Lecture of Biwako Prize for Ecology. Government of Shiga Prefecture
Report 1994, 24-42.
8.池田勉1997.TASK(Trans-Atlantic-Study of Calanus finmarchicus)について.日本プランクトン学会報,
44: 55-56.
9.Ikeda, T. and Wheeler, P. 2001. Ocean impacts from the bottom of the
food web to the tip: Biological Oceanography Committee retrospective. PICES
X Annual Meeting Symp. Abs. p. 6 (invited).
10. Ikeda, T., Peterson, W.T. 2003. 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium. PICES Press 11 (2): 4-7.
Copyright 2003 Plankton Laboratory
北海道大学大学院 水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座(プランクトン教室)
