北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座教授 池田勉
1. Ikeda, T. 1971. Prelminary shipboard culture experiments on the feeding
and respiration of an oceanic copepod, Calanus cristatus, in the Bering
Sea. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 18: 5-14.
2. Ikeda, T. 1972. Chemical composition and nutrition of zooplankton in
the Bering Sea. In “ Biological Oceanography of the northern North Pacific
Ocean", p. 433-442. Ed. by A. Y. Takenouchi et al., Idemitsu Shoten,
3. 池田 勉 1973. コペポーダ増殖の際の適種選択の基準. 日本プランクトン学会報
20, 41-48
4. Motoda, S., Taniguchi, A. and Ikeda, T. 1973. Plankton ecology in the
western North Pacific Ocean: Primary and secondary productivities. Indo-Pacific
Fish. Council, 86-110.
5. Takahashi, M. and Ikeda, T. 1975. Excretion of ammonia and inorganic
phosphorus by Euphausia pacifica and Metridia pacifica at different concentrations
of phytoplankton. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 32: 2189-2195.
6. Reeve, M. R., Grice G. D., Gibson, V. R., Walter, M. S., Darcy, K. and
Ikeda, T.1976. A controlled environmental pollution experiment (CEPEX)
and its usefullness in the study of larger marine zooplankton under toxic
stress. In “Effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms", p. 145-162.
Ed. by Lockwood, A. P. M., Cambridqe Univ. Press.
7. Ikeda, T. 1976. The effect of laboratory conditions on the extrapolation
of experimental measurements to the ecology of marine zooplankton. I. Effect
of feeding conditions on the respiration rate. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan,
23: 51-60.
8. Ikeda, T. 1977. The effect of laboratory conditions on the extrapolation
of experimental measurements to the ecology of marine zooplankton. II.
Effect of oxygen saturation on the respiration rate. Bull. Plankton Soc.
Japan, 24: 19-28.
9. Ikeda, T. 1977. The effect of laboratory conditions on the extrapolation
of experimental measurements to the ecology of marine zooplankton. III.
Short term changes in the respiration rates of two subtropical zoopalnkton
species, Acartia tonsa and Sagitta hispida. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan,
24: 29-35.
10. Ikeda, T. 1977. The effect of laboratory conditions on the extrapolation
of experimental measurements to the ecology of marine zooplankton. IV.Changes
in respiration and excretion rates of boreal zooplankton species maintaineded
under fed and starved conditions. Mar. Biol., 41: 241-252.
11. Reeve, M. R., Walter, M. A., Darcy, K. and Ikeda, T. 1977. Evaluation
of potential indicators of sub-lethal toxic stress on marine zooplankton
(feeding, fecundity, respiration and excretion): Controlled ecosystem pollution
experiment. Bull. Mar. Sci., 27: 105-113.
12. Ikeda, T. 1977. Feeding rates of planktonic copeods from a tropical
sea. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol., 29: 263-277.
13. Ikeda, T. 1977. A pelagic copepod associated with diatoms. Bull. Plankton
Soc.Japan, 24: 115-118.
14. Ikeda, T. and Motoda, S. 1978. Estimated zooplankton production and
their ammonia excretion in the Kuroshio and adjacent seas. Fish. Bull.,
United States, 76: 357-367.
15. Ikeda, T. and Motoda, S. 1978. Zooplankton production in the Bering
Sea calculated from 1957-1970 Oshoro-Maru data. Mar. Sci. Comms., 4: 329-346.
16. Reeve, M. R., Walter, M. A., and Ikeda, T. 1978. Laboratory studies
of ingestion and food utilization in lobate and tentaculate ctenophores.
Limnol.Oceanogr., 23: 740-750.
17. 池田 勉 1978. 海産動物プランクトンの代謝活性に関する研究、とくに体サイズとの関係について.日本海洋学会誌
34: 173-180
18. Ikeda, T. 1979. Respiration rates of copepod larvae and a ciliates
from a tropical sea. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 35: 1-8.
19. Ikeda, T., Mitchell, A. W., Carleton, J. H. and Dixon, P. 1980. Transport
of living Antarctic zooplankton to a tropical laboratory: A feasibility
study. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res., 31: 371-374.
20. Ikeda, T. and Skjoldal, R. 1981. The effect of laboratory conditions
on the extrapolation of experimental measurements to the ecology of marine
zooplankton. Vl. Changes in physiological activities and biochemical components
of Acartia australis and Acetes sibogae australis after capture. Mar. Biol.,
58: 285-293.
21. Ikeda, T. 1981. Metabolic activity of larval stages of the Antarctic
krill (Euphausia superba Dana). Antarctic Journal, United States, 16: 161-162.
22. Ikeda, T. and Hing Fay, E. 1981. The metabolic activity of zooplankton
from the Antarctic Ocean. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res., 32: 921-930.
23. Ikeda, T., Hing Fay, E., Hutchinson, S. A., and Boto, G. M. 1982. Ammonia
and inorganic phosphate excretion by zooplankton from inshore waters of
the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. I. Relationship between excretion rates
and body size. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res., 33: 55-70.
24. Ikeda, T., and Dixon, P. 1982. Observations on moulting in Antarctic
krill (Euphausia superda Dana). Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res., 33: 71-76.
25. Ikeda, T., Carleton, J. H., Mitchell, A. W. and Dixon, P. 1982. Ammonia
and inorganic phosphate excretion by zoopalnkton from the inshore waters
of the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. II. Contribution of zooplankton
excretion to the nutrient regeneration in the field. Aust. J. mar. freshw.
Res., 33: 683-698.
26. Ikeda, T. and Mitchell, A. W. 1982. Oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion,
and phosphate excretion of krill and other Antarctic zooplankton, in relation
to their body size and chemical composition. Mar. Biol., 71: 283-298.
27. Ikeda, T. and Dixon, P. 1982. Body shrinkage as a possible over-wintering
mechanism of the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana. J. exp. mar.
Biol. Ecol., 62: 143-151.
28. Ikeda, T. 1984. Development of the larvae of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia
superba Dana) observed in the laboratory. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol., 75:107-117.
29. Ikeda, T. and Dixon. P. 1984. The influence of feeding on the metabolic
activity of Antarctic krill (Euphanusia superba). Polar Biol., 3: 1-9.
30. Ikeda, T. 1984. Sequences in metabolic rates and elemental composition
(C,N,P) during the development of Euphausia superba Dana, and estimated
food requirement during its life cycle. J. Crust. Biol. 4(spec. No.4):
31. Ikeda, T., Nash, G. V. and Thomas, P. G. 1984. An observation of discarded
stomach with exoskeleton moult from Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana.
Polar Biol. 3: 241-244.
32. Ikeda, T., Dixon, P. and kirkwood, J. 1985. Laboratory observations
on the moulting, growth and maturation of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia
superba Dana). Polar Biol. 4: 1-18.
33. Ikeda, T. 1985. Metabolic rates of epipelagic marine zooplankton as
a function of body mass and habitat temperature. Mar. Biol. 85: 1-11.
34. Ikeda, T. 1985. Metabolic rate and elemental composition (C and N)
of eggs and non-feeding early larval stages of Antarctic krill (Euphausia
superda Dana). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 90: 119-127.
35. Ikeda, T. 1985. Life history of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba:
a new look from an experimental approach. Bull. Mar. Sci. 37: 599-608.
36. McConville, M. J., Ikeda, T., Bacic, A. and Clarke, A. E. 1986. Digestive
carbohydrases from the hepatopancreas of two Antarctic euphausiid species
(Euphausia superba and E. crystallorophias). Mar. Biol. 90: 371-378.
37. Harrington, S. A. and Ikeda, T. 1986. Laboratory observations on spawning,
brood size and egg hatchability of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superda
from Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Mar. Biol. 92: 231-235.
38. Ikeda, T. and Bruce, B. 1986. Metabolic activity and elemental composition
of krill and other zooplankton from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during early
summer (November-December). Mar. Biol. 92: 545-555.
39. Ikeda, T. 1986. Preliminary observations on the development of the
larvae of Euphausia crystallorophias Holt and Tattersall in the laboratory.
Mem. Natl. Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue 40: 183-186.
40. Thomas, P. G., Nash, G. V. and Ikeda, T. 1986. SEM observations of
the mouthparts from Euphausia superba Dana larvae. Mem. Natl. Inst. polar
Res., Spec. Issue 40: 162-166.
41. Ikeda, T. and Thomas, P.G. 1987. Longevity of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia
superba Dana) based on a laboratory experiment. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar
Biol. 1: 56-62.
42. Ikeda, T. 1987. Mature Antarctic krill (Euphausia superda Dana) grown
from eggs in the laboratory. J. Plankton Res. 9: 565-569.
43. Ikeda, T.and Thomas, P.G. 1987. Moulting interval and growth of juvenile
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superda) fed different concentrations of the
diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in the laboratory. Polar Biol. 7: 339-343.
44. Thomas, P.G. and Ikeda, T. 1987. Re-maturation and growth of spent
female Euphausia superba observed in the laboratory. Mar. Biol. 95: 357-363.
45. Hosie, G. W., Ikeda, T. and Stolp, M. 1988. Distribution, abundance
and biology of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in the Prydz
Bay region, Antarctica. Polar Biol. 8: 213-224.
46. Ikeda, T. 1988. Metabolism and chemical composition of crustaceans
from the Antarctic mesopelagic zone. Deep-Sea Res. 35: 1991-2002.
47. Ikeda, T. and kirkwood, R. 1989. Metabolism and elemental composition
of a giant chaetognath Sagitta gazellae from the Southern Ocean. Mar. Biol.
100: 261-267.
48. Ikeda, T. and Kirkwood, R. 1989. Metabolism and body composition of
two euphausiids (Euphausia superba and E. crystallorophias) collected under
the pack-ice, off Enderby Land, Antarctica during November 1985. Mar. Biol.
100: 301-308.
49. Ikeda, T. and Skjoldal, H.R. 1989. Metabolism and elemental composition
of zooplankton from the Barents Sea during early Arctic summer. Mar. Biol.
100: 173-183.
50. Dalpadado, P. and Ikeda, T. 1989. Some observations on moulting, growth
and maturation of krill Thysanoessa inermis from the Barents Sea. J. Plankton
Res. 11: 133-139.
51. Ikeda, T. 1989. Are antarctic zooplankton metabolically more cold adapted?
An ntra-generic comparison of oxygen consumption rates. J. Plankton Res.
11: 619-624.
52. Ikeda, T. 1989. Respiration rate of myctophid fishes from a tropical
sea, as estimated from the enzyme activity of electron-transport-system
(ETS). J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 45: 15-20.
53. Ikeda, T. and Raymont, J.K.B. 1989. Preliminary studies on the intermoult
period and growth of the pelagic shrimp Acetes sibogae australis from a
tropical sea. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 36: 11-18.
54. Ikeda, T. 1989. RNA content of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba),
an estimator of natural growth rate. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 2: 26-33.
55. Ikeda, T. 1990. Ecological and biological features of a mesopelagic
ostracod Conchoecia pseudodiscophora in the Japan Sea. Mar. Biol. 197:
56. Hirakawa, K., Ikeda, T. and Kajihara, N. 1990. Vertical distribution
of zooplankton in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea, with special reference
to Copepoda. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 37: 111-126.
57. Ikeda, T. 1990. A growth model for a hyperiid amphipod Themisto japonica
(Bovallius) in the Japan Sea, based on its intermoult period and moult
increment. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 46: 261-272
58. Ikeda, T. 1991. Assimilated carbon budget for the hyperiid amphipod
Themisto japonica (Bovallius ) from the Japan Sea as influenced by temperature.
J.Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 47: 7-16.
59. Ikeda, T. 1991. Ecological and physiological features of the mesopelagic
mysid, Meterythrops microphthalma, in the Japan Sea. J. Oceanogr. Soc.
Japan 47: 94-103
60. Ikeda, T. 1992. Laboratory observations on spawning, fecundity and early development of a mesopelagic ostracod, Conchoecia pseudodiscophora, from the Japan Sea. Mar. Biol. 112: 313-318.
61. Ikeda, T. 1992. Growth and metabolism of the hyperiid amphipod, Themisto
japonica (Bovallius), reared in the fluctuating and constant temperatures
in the laboratory. J. Plankton Res. 14: 925-935.
62. Ikeda, T. and Imamura, A. 1992. Population structure and life cycle
of the mesopelagic ostracod Conchoecia pseudodiscophora in Toyama Bay,
southern Japan Sea. Mar. Biol. 113: 595-601.
63. Ikeda, T. Hirakawa, K. and Imamura, A. 1992. Abundance, population
structure and life cycle of a hyperiid amphipod Themisto japonica (Bovallius)
in Toyama Bay, Southern Japan Sea. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 39: 1-16.
64. Ikeda, T. 1992. Growth and life history of the mesopelagic mysid Meterythrops
microphthalma in the southern Japan Sea. J. Plankton Res. 14: 1767-1779.
65. Ikeda, T. 1994. Growth and life cycle of the mesopelagic fish Maurolicus
muelleri in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 40:
66. Ikeda, T., Hirakawa, K. and N. Kajihara. 1994. Feeding ecology of the
mesopelagic fish Maurolicus muelleri (Sternoptychidae) in the Japan Sea.
Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 41: 105-116.
1. Ikeda, T. 1970. Relationship between respiration rate and body size
in marine planktonic animals as a function of the temperature of habitat.
Bull. Fac. Fish., Hokkaido Univ., 21: 91-112.
2. Ikeda, T. 1971. Changes in respiration rate and in composition of organic
matter in Calanus cristatus (Crustacea Copepoda) under starvation. Bull.
Fac. Fish., Hokkaido Univ., 21: 280-298.
3. Ikeda, T. 1974. Nutritonal ecology of marine zooplankton. Mem. Fac.
Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 22: 1-97.
4. Saotome, K. and Ikeda, T. 1990. Body composition and metabolism of the
larvae of the pink shrimp (Pandalus borealis Kroyer) raised in the laboratory.
Bull. Japan Sea Natl. Fish. Res. Inst. 40: 67-77.
5. Ikeda, T., Hirakawa, K. and Kajihara, N. 1990. Some characteristics
of a cold-water copepod Calanus cristatus from regions of the Japan Sea
covered by the Tsushima warm current. Bull. Japan Sea Natl. Fish. Res.
Inst. 40: 51-65
6. Ikeda, T. and Aritaki, M. 1991. Dry weight and elemental composition
(C and N) of moults casted by the larvae of the pink shrimp (Pandalus
borealis Kroyer). Bull. Japan Sea Natl. Fish. Res. Inst. 41: 73-76.
7. Hirakawa, K, Imamura, A. and Ikeda, T. 1992. Seasonal variability in abundance and composition of zooplankton in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Bull. Japan Sea Nat. Fish. Res. Inst. 42: 1-15.
8. 井口直樹・池田勉・今村明 1993. 富山湾におけるツノナシオキアミ(Euphausia pacifica Hansen)の成長と生活史.日本海区水産研究所研究報告 43: 69-81.
9. Iguchi, N. and Ikeda, T. 1994. Experimental study on brood size, egg hatchability and early development of a euphausiid Euphausia pacifica from Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Bull. Japan Sea Nat. Fish. Res. Inst. 44: 49-57.
10. 谷口旭、中島羊二、鈴木利一、平川和正、今村明、池田勉. 1997.富山湾における植物プランクトン群集の季節的消長.日本海区水産研究所報告,47:33-55.
11. 山口篤、小針統、池田勉1998.千島列島南方海域およびオホーツク海1定点における浮游性カラノイダかいあし類数種の鉛直分布(0-2,000 m)の比較.Salmon Rep. Ser. 46: 26-40.
12. Hirakawa, K, Imamura, A. and Ikeda, T. 1992. Seasonal variability in
abundance and composition of zooplankton in Toyama Bay, southern Japan
Sea. Bull. Japan Sea Natl. Fish. Res. Inst. 42: 1-15.
13. 井口直樹・池田勉・今村明 1993. 富山湾におけるツノナシオキアミ(Euphausia
pacifica Hansen)の成長と生活史.日本海区水産研究所研究報告 43: 69-81.
14. Iguchi, N. and Ikeda, T. 1994. Experimental study on brood size, egg
hatchability and early development of a euphausiid Euphausia pacifica from
Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Bull. Japan Sea Nat. Fish. Res. Inst. 44:
1. 池田 勉・元田 茂 1977. 西部北太平洋の亜寒帯・熱帯海域域と亜寒帯海域と亜寒帯海域の二次生産力の比較。第6回日ソ合同水産増殖シンポジウム発表論文、1977 10月ソ連邦グルジア共和国バートミ 1-9
2. 池田 勉 1991.中・深層性マイクロネクトンの代謝活性と生活様式. 漁業資源研究会議報 27: 45-49.
Copyright 2003 Plankton Laboratory
北海道大学大学院 水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座(プランクトン教室)
