(1) レフリー制
1. N. Shiga
Maturity stages and relative growth of Oikopleura labradoriensis Lohmann (Tunicata, Appendicularia). Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 23: 81-95
2. N. Shiga
Regional and annual variations in abundance of an appendicularian, Oikopleura labradoriensis in the Bering Sea and the northern North Pacific Ocean during summer.
Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 29: 119-128 (1982).
3. 志賀直信
最近10年間の尾虫類の生態学的知見. 日本プランクトン学会報創立30周年記念
号, 81-86 (1984).
4. N. Shiga
Seasonal and vertical distribution of Appendicularia in Volcano Bay, Hokkaido,
Japan. Bull. Mar. Sci., 37: 425-439 (1985).
5. N. Shiga
First record of the appendicularian, Oikopleura vanhoeffeni in the northern
Bering Sea. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 39: 107-115 (1993).
6. N. Shiga
Regional and vertical distribution of Oikopleura vanhoeffeni on the northern
Bering Sea shelf in summer. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 39: 117-126 (1993).
7. K. Nishiuchi, N. Shiga and S. Takagi
Distribution and abundance of chaetognaths along 180゜longitude in the
northern North Pacific Ocean during the summers of 1982 through 1989. Plankton
Biology and Ecology, 44: 55-70 (1997).
8. 山口 篤・志賀直信
北海道南西部恵山沖におけるPseudocalanus minutusとP. newmani (Copepoda; Calanoida)の鉛直分布および生活史. 日本プランクトン学会報,
44: 11-20 (1997).
9. A. Yamaguchi, T. Ikeda and N. Shiga
Population structure and life cycle of Pseudocalanus minutus and Pseudoalanus newmani (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Toyama Bay, southern
Japan Sea. Plankton Biology and Ecology, 45: 183-193 (1998).
10. 七戸有里恵・志賀直信
トンの分布および群集構造. 水産海洋研究, 62: 343-355 (1998).
11. A. Shinada, N. Shiga and S. Ban
Structure and magnitude of diatom spring bloom in Funka Bay, southwestern
Hokkaido, Japan, as influenced by the intrusion of Coastal Oyashio Water.
Plankton Biology and Ecology, 46: 24-29 (1999).
12. A. Shinada, N. Shiga and S. Ban
Origin of Thalassiosira diatoms that couse the spring phytoplankton bloom
in Funka Bay, southwestern Hokkaido. Plankton Biology and Ecology, 46:
89-93 (1999).
13. T. Odate, N. Shiga, S. Saitoh, T. Miyoi and S. Takagi
Distribution of phytopankton abundance and physical properties on the southeastern
shelf of the Bering Sea in summer. Polar Bioscience, No.12: 1-14 (1999).
14. T. Ikeda and N. Shiga
Production, metabolism and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of Themisto japonica (Crustacea; Amphipoda) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Journal of Plankton
Ressearch, 21:299-308 (1999).
15. A. Ishikawa, S. Ban and N. Shiga
Effects of salinity on survival, and embryonic and postembryonic development
of Eurytemora affinis from a freshwater lake. Plankton Biology and Ecology,
46: 113-119 (1999).
16. M. Tomita, T. Ikeda and N. Shiga
Production of Oikopleura longicauda (Tunicata: Appendicularia) in Toyama
Bay, southern Japan Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 21: 2421-2430 (1999).
17. K. Kuma, A. Katsumoto, N. Shiga, T. Sawabe and K. Matsunaga
Variation of size-fractionated Fe concentrations and Fe(III) hydroxide
solubilities during a spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay (Japan).
Marine Chemistry, 71: 111-123 (2000).
18. K. Ozaki, T. Takeuchi, N. Shiga and K. Mito
Winter zooplankton biomass and population structure of calanoid copepods
in the Bering Sea basin. Plankton Biology and Ecology, 48: 46-51 (2001).
19. 簗田 満・志賀直信・三宅秀男
冬季オホーツク海沿岸海域における栄養塩の分布と特性. 海と空, 77: 1-8
20. 塩谷 剛・志賀直信・久保 直
変動、特に橈脚類について. 海と空, 77: 17-24 (2001).
21. Nakabayashi, S., K. Kuma, K. Sasaoka, S. Saitoh, M. Mochizuki, N. Shiga and M. Kusakabe
Variation in iron (III) solubility and iron concentration in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 885-892 (2002).
22. Ikeda, T., K. Hirakawa and N. Shiga
Production, metabolism and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of Metridia pacifica (Crustacea: Copepoda) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biology and Ecology 49: 58-65 (2002).
23. Mochizuki, M., N. Shiga, M. Saito, K. Imai and Y. Nojiri
Seasonal changes in nutrients, chlorophyll a and the phytoplankton assemblage of the western subarctic gyre in the Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II 49: 5421-5439 (2002).
24. Napp, J. M., C. T. Baier, R. D. Brodeur, K. O. Coyle, N. Shiga and K. Mier
Interannual and decadal variability in zooplankton communities of the southeast Bering Sea shelf. Deep-Sea Research II 49: 5991-6008 (2002).
25. Iida, T., S.-I. Saitoh, T. Miyamura, M. Toratani, H. Fukushima and N. Shiga
Temporal and spatial variability of coccolithophore blooms in the eastern Bering Sea, 1998-2001. Progress in Oceanography 55: 165-175 (2002).
26. Mizobata, K., S.-I. Saitoh, A. Shiomoto, T. Miyamura, N. Shiga, K. Imai, M. Toratani, Y. Kajiwara and K. Sasaoka
Bering Sea cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies observed during summer 2000 and 2001. Progress in Oceanography 55: 65-75 (2002).
27. Kobari, T., T. Ikeda, Y. Kanno, N. Shiga, S. Takagi and T. Azumaya
Interannual variations in abundance and body size in Neocalanus copepods in the central North Pacific. Journal of Plankton Research 25: 483-494 (2003).
28. Tomita, M., N. Shiga and T. Ikeda
Seasonal occurrence and vertical distribution of appendicularians in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 25: 579-589 (2003).
29. 山口 篤・三輪喜之・井上勝夫・松本稔範・志賀直信
沿岸親潮における動物プランクトン群集の特徴. 沿岸海洋研究 41: 23-31 (2003).
30. Tsuda, A., H. Kiyosawa, A. Kuwata, M. Mochizuki, N. Shiga, H. Saito,
S. Chiba, K. Imai, J. Nishioka and T. Ono (2005).
Responses of diatoms to iron-enrichment (SEEDS) in the western subarctic
Pacific, temporal and spatial comparisons. Progress in Oceanography 64:
31. Deibel, D., P. Saunders, J.-L. Acu?, A. B. Bochdansky, N. Shiga and
R. B. Rivkin (2005).
The role of appendicularian tunicates in the biogenic carbon cycle of three
arctic polynyas. In: Response of Marine Ecosystems to Global Change: Ecological
Impact of Appendicularians, pp. 333-364. Gorsky, G., M. J. Youngbluth and
D. Deibel (eds.). ?ditions Scientifiques GB, Paris.
32. Bower, J. R., T. Kubodera, D. J. Lindsay, N. Shiga, S. Shimura, F.
Sano, N. Horii, T. Kamiya and M. Tateyama (2006).
A note on the occurrence of the vampire squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis
Chun off the Pacific coast of Japan, including the first capture off Hokkaido.
Fisheries Science 72: 446-448.
33. Takatsu, T., Y. Suzuki, A. Shimizu, K. Imura, Y. Hiraoka and N. Shiga
(2007). Feeding habits of stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus larvae
in Mutsu Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science 73: 142-155.
(2) 非レフリー制
1. 志賀直信
浮遊性被嚢類の分布ー尾虫類の分布が意味するものー. 月刊海洋, 24: 107-114
2. 志賀直信・沼田耕志・藤谷一良
期変動. 月刊海洋, 27: 408-414 (1995).
3. 高木省吾・桜井泰憲・亀井佳彦・明井崇子・坂岡桂一郎・志賀直信
北太平洋東経155度線における夏季と秋季の海洋構造と表層性魚類・イカ類の 分布.
北海道大学大水産学部彙報, 48: 13-28 (1997).
4. S. Saitoh, D. L. Eslinger, H. Sasaoka, N. Shiga, T. Odate and T. Miyoi
Satellite and ship observations of coastal upwelling in the St. Lawrence
Island Polynya (SLIP) area in summer, 1994 and 1995. Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido
Univ., 44: 18-23 (1998)
5. S. Ban, Y. Miyagawa, Y. Okuda and N. Shiga
Succession of calanoid copepod community in Funka Bay during spring phytoplankton
bloom. Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 44: 42-47 (1998)
6. N. Shiga, S. Takagi and K. Nishiuchi
Interannual variation and vertical distribution of appendicularians in
the south of St. Lawrence Island, northern Bering Sea shelf in summer.
Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 44: 48-51 (1998).
7. 簗田 満・志賀直信・田中仁詞・品田晃良
対する影響. 北海道大学大水産学部彙報, 50: 123-138 (1999).
8. T. Kobari, T. Aono and N. Shiga
Relationship between observed and estimated chlorophyll a concentrations
from the secchi depth in the central subarctic Pacific. Bull. Fac. Fish.
Hokkaido Univ., 50: 171-174 (1999)
9. 志賀直信
亜寒帯太平洋の尾虫類の鉛直分布. 月刊海洋 号外No. 27: 198-206 (2001)
10. 山口 篤・志賀直信・池田 勉 (2005). 北太平洋亜寒帯域における魚類・イカ類の餌としての動物プランクトンの資源変動.
月刊海洋 37: 596-604.
1. 志賀直信
北太平洋亜寒帯水域における尾虫類の季節分布. 水産海洋研究会報, 50: 324-
325 (1986).
2. 志賀直信
問題提起. 水産海洋研究, 60: 84-86 (1996).
3. 志賀直信
長期変動の解析について(低次栄養段階の立場から). 水産海洋研究, 61: 96-97
4. J. M. Napp, K. O. Coyle, T. E. Whitledge, D. E. Varela, M. V. Flint,
N. Shiga, D. M. Schell and S. M. Henrichs
Nutrients and lower trophic level response. Report on the FOCI International
Workshop on Recent Conditions in the Bering Sea, pp. 13-26 (1999)
IV. 著 書
1. 志賀直信
尾虫類, 棘皮動物, クラゲ類, 原索動物. p. 46, 177-179, 180-181, 202-203
(和達清夫監修:海洋大事典. 東京堂出版. 1987).
2. 志賀直信
原索動物門尾虫類. pp. 1393-1414(千原光雄・村野正昭編:日本産海洋プ
ランクトン検索図説. 東海大学出版会. 1996). Copyright 2003 Plankton Laboratory
北海道大学大学院 水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座(プランクトン教室)
