Marine zooplankton metabolic data by Prof. Ikeda
池田先生が永年測定・収集された各種動物プランクトンの代謝活性データ(呼吸速度、アンモニア態窒素排泄速度、無機リン酸塩排泄速度)が「北海道大学学術成果コレクション(HUSCAP: Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers)」に公開されました。
Marine zooplankton metabolic data
Ikeda, Tsutomu
Since my publication on the statistics of marine zooplankton metabolism
(Ikeda 1985; Ikeda et al. 2001), I have received frequent request from
oversea colleagues to make available all raw data I used in these analyses.
In response to the request, I now open all the data on oxygen consumption,
ammonia-N excretion and/or phosphate-P excretion of various zooplankton
species I determined at world's oceans with standardized water bottle or
sealed chamber method (cf. Omori and Ikeda, 1984; Ikeda et al., 2000).
The datasets are separated into two sheets; one is the metabolic data and
the other is the list of zooplankton species used and comments. It is noted
that the oxygen consumption data for deep-sea copepods used in the recent
papers (Ikeda et al., 2006, 2007) are all given as Appendices in each paper.
Hope the datasets are useful and of help to advance the study on the role
of zooplankton in marine pelagic ecosystem in future.
Copyright 2003 Plankton Laboratory
北海道大学大学院 水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座(プランクトン教室)