
通し番号は積算論文数を示します。 |
274. Yamaguchi, Atsushi, Tsutomu Ikeda and Kazumasa Hirakawa, 1999. Diel
vertical migration, population structure and life cycle of the copepod
Scolecithricella minor (Calanoida: Scolecitrichidae) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 54-61.
275. Yamada, Yuichiro and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Acute toxicity of lowered pH to some oceanic zooplankton. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 62-67.
276. Ozaki, Koji and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Vertical distribution, population structure and life cycle of the mesopelagic copepod Paraeuchaeta elongata off Cape Esan, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 48-53.
277. Shinada, Akiyoshi, Naonobu Shiga and Syuhei Ban, 1999. Structure and magnitude of diatom spring bloom in Funka Bay, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan, as influenced by the intrusion of Coastal Oyashio Water. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 24-29.
278. Iguchi, Naoki and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Production, metabolism and P:B ratio of Euphausia pacifica (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 68-74.
279. 伴修平, 1999. 古典的食物連鎖のパラドックス. 日本プランクトン学会報 46: 88-95.
280. Yamada, Yuichiro and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Biology of the mesopelagic gammarid amphipod Cyphocaris challengeri off southwest Hokkaido: Development pattern and maturity. Proc. Int. Mar. Sci. Symp. "Ecosystem Dynamics of the Kuroshio-Oyashio Transition Region", ORI University of Tokyo.
281. Kobari, Toru and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Life cycle of Neocalanus plumchrus (Crustacea, Copepoda) in the Oyashio region. Proc. Int. Mar. Sci. Symp. "Ecosystem Dynamics of the Kuroshio-Oyashio Transition Region", ORI University of Tokyo.
282. Yamaguchi, Atsushi and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Vertical distribution and life cycle of two mesopelagic calanoid copepods (Pleuromamma scutullata and Heterorhabdus tanneri) in the Oyashio region. Proc. Int. Mar. Sci. Symp. "Ecosystem Dynamics of the Kuroshio-Oyashio Transition Region", ORI University of Tokyo.
283. Ikeda, Tsutomu and Naonobu Shiga, 1999. Production, metabolism and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of Themisto japonica (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. J. Plankton Res. 21: 299-308.
284. Napp, J.M., K.O. Coyle, T.E. Whitledge, D.E. Varela, M.V. Flint, N. Shiga, D.M. Schell and S.M. Henrichs, 1999. Nutrients and lower trophic level responses. S.A. Madin (ed.) FOCI International Workshop Report, NOAA, Seattle, Washington, pp. 13-20.
285. Odate, T., N. Shiga, S. Saitoh, T. Miyoi and S. Takagi 1999. Distribution of phytoplankton abundance and physical properties on the southeastern shelf of the Bering Sea in summer. Polar Biosci. 12: 1-14.
286. Hong-wu Lee and Syuhei Ban, 1999. Effect of crowding on growth and
reproduction of Simocephalus vetulus O.F. Miller. Hydrobiologia 391: 135-145.
287. Shinada, Akiyoshi, Naonobu Shiga and Syuhei Ban, 1999. Origin of Thalassiosira diatoms that cause the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay, southwestern
Hokkaido, Japan. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 89-93.
288. Hong-wu Lee, Syuhei Ban, Yasuhiro Ando, Toru Ota and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Deleterious effect of diatom diets on egg production and hatching success in the marine copepod Pseudocalanus newmani. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 104-112.
289. Ishikawa, Akira, Syuhei Ban and Naonobu Shiga, 1999. Effects of salinity on survival, and embryonic and postembryonic development of Eurytemora affinis from a freshwater lake. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46: 113-119.
290. Kobari, Toru and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Interannual variabilities in abundance and body size of Neocalanus copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the central North Pacific. Abstract of PICES VIII Annual Meeting.
291. 牧野渡, 1999. 十和田湖における動物プランクトン計数データ(1998年). 国立環境研究所研究報告 146: 190-202.
292. 牧野渡, 1999. 十和田湖における動物プランクトン群集の季節変化?1998年の結果から. 国立環境研究所研究報告 146: 41-48.
293. Kobari, Toru, Tetsuhiro Aono and Naonobu Shiga, 1999. Relationship between observed and estimated chlorophyll a concentrations from the secchi depth in the central subarctic Pacific. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 50: 171-174.
294. Kobari, Toru and Tsutomu Ikeda, 1999. Vertical distribution, population structure and life cycle of Neocalanus cristatus (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Oyashio region, with notes on its regional variations. Mar. Biol. 134: 683-696.
295. Tomita, Mika, Tsutomu Ikeda and Naonobu Shiga, 1999. Production of Oikopleura longicauda (Tunicata: Appendicularia) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. J. Plankton Res. 21: 2421-2430.
296. Yamaguchi, Atsushi and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. Vertical distribution, life cycle and body allometry of two oceanic calanoid copepods (Pleuromamma scutullata and Heterorhabdus tanneri) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific Ocean. J. Plankton Res. 22: 29-46.
297. Asami, Hiroki and Syuhei Ban, 2000. Seasonal abundance of resting spores and vegetative cells of Chaetoceros diatoms in Funka Bay, southern Hokkaido, Japan. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 47: 65-68.
298. Makino, Wataru and Syuhei Ban, 2000. Response of life history traits to food conditions in a cyclopoid copepod from an oligotrophic environment. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45: 396-407.
299. Yoshida, T., S. Ban, T. Takenouchi, T. Aono, Y. Ishikawa, H. Mikami, K. Takano, K. Imada, R. Yasutomi and K. Takeuchi, 2000. Top-down control of population dynamics of the dominant rotifers in two mesotrophic lakes in Hokkaido, Japan. Arch. Hydrobiol. 148: 481-498.
300. 伴修平, 2000. 珪藻ブルーム前後の捕食食物連鎖と微生物食物連鎖. 沿岸海洋研究 38: 23-28.
301. 伴修平・磯田豊, 2000. シンポジウム「噴火湾の物質循環における春季珪藻ブルームの役割」のまとめ. 沿岸海洋研究 38: 1-2.
302. 小針統・池田勉, 2000. 親潮域におけるNeocalanus属カイアシ類の生活史. 日本プランクトン学会報 47: 129-135.
303. 品田晃良・伴修平・池田勉・津田敦・斉藤宏明, 2000. 親潮域における低次食物連鎖構造の季節変化. 日本プランクトン学会報 47: 119-124.
304. Shinada, Akiyoshi, Tsutomu Ikeda, Syuhei Ban and Atsushi Tsuda, 2000.
Seasonal changes in micro-zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton assemblages
in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Plankton Biol. Ecol.
47: 85-92.
305. Shinada, Akiyoshi, Tsutomu Ikeda and Syuhei Ban, 2000. Planktonic food chain dynamics in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
306. Nishiuchi, Koh and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. Interannual variabilities in abundance of Sagitta elegans, S. scrippsae, and Eukrornia hamata (Chaetognatha) in the central North Pacific. Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
307. Ozaki, Koji and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. Life cycle of the mesopelagic copepod Paraeuchaeta elongata off Cape Esan, Hokkaido (the western subarctic Pacific). Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
308. Kaeriyama, Hideki and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. Seasonal variations in abundance and community structure of planktonic ostracods in the Oyashio region (Site H). Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
309. Iijima, Anai and Naonobu Shiga, 2000. Has zooplankton community changed or not in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf recently? Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
310. Kanehisa, Toshinori, Tomoo Sawabe, Yoshio Ezura and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. 18S rDNA sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Neocalanus cristatus (Crustacea: Copepoda). Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
311, Kobari, Toru and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. The relationship between body size and water temperature of Neocalanus copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the subarctic Pacific. Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
312. Yamada, Yuichiro, Tsutomu Ikeda and Atsushi Tsuda, 2000. The developmental pattern and maturation of the hyperiid amphipod Primno abyssalis in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Abstract of PICES IX Annual Meeting.
313. Yamaguchi, Atsushi and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. Vertical distribution, life cycle, and developmental characteristics of the mesopelagic calanoid copepod Gaidius variabilis (Aetideidae) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific Ocean. Mar. Biol. 137: 99-109.
314. Yamada, Yuichiro and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2000. Development, maturation, brood size and generation length of the mesopelagic amphipod Cyphocaris challengeri (Gammaridea: Lysianassidae) off southwest Hokkaido, Japan. Mar. Biol. 137: 933-942.
315. Ban, Syuhei, Hong-Wu Lee, Akiyoshi Shinada and Tatsuki Toda, 2000. In situ egg production and hatching success of the marine copepod Pseudocalanus newmani in Funka Bay and adjacent waters off southwestern Hokkaido, Japan: associated to diatom bloom. J. Plankton Res. 22: 907-922.
316. Yamada, Yuichiro and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2001. Notes on early development and secondary sexual characteristics of the mesopelagic amphipod Chphocaris challengeri (Gammaridea; Lysianassidae). Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 52: 55-59.
317. 池田勉, 2001. 北東太平洋海洋生態系のダイナミクスに関する共同研究.
318. Kobari, Toru and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2001. Life cycle of Neocalanus flemingeri (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific, with notes on its regional variations. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 209: 243-255.
319. Kobari, Toru and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2001. Ontogenetic vertical migration and life cycle of Neocalanus plumchrus (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Oyashio region, with notes on regional variations in body sizes. J. Plankton Res. 23: 287-302.
320. Makino, W., H. Kato, N. Takamura, H. Mizutani, N. Katano and H. Mikami, 2001. Did chironomid emergence release Daphnia from fish predation and lead to a Daphnia-driven clear-water phase in Lake Towada, Japan? Hydrobiologia 442: 309-317.
321. 梁田満・志賀直信・三宅秀男, 2001. 冬季オホーツク海沿岸海域における栄養塩の分布と特性. 海と空 77: 1-8.
322. Ozaki, Koji, Toko Takeuchi, Naonobu Shiga and Ken-ichi Mito, 2001. Winter zooplankton biomass and population structure of calanoid copepods in the Bering Sea basin. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 48: 46-51.
323. 塩谷剛・志賀直信・久保直, 2001. 北海道太平洋海域の41°30'N定線上における動物プランクトン群集組成の年変動, 特に橈脚類について. 海と空 77: 17-24.
324. Yamaguchi, Atsushi and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2001. Abundance and population structure of three mesopelagic Paraeuchaeta species (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean with notes on their carcasses and epizoic ciliates. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 48: 104-113.
325. Lee, Hong-Wu, Tsutomu Ikeda and Syuhei Ban, 2001. Metabolism, body composition (C and N) and estimated net growth efficiency of a calanoid copepod Pseudocalanus newmani raised at different temperatures in the laboratory. Plankton Biol. Ecol.
48: 114-120.
326. Kaeriyama, Hideki and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2001. Seasonal variations in vertical distribution and population structure of the three dominant oceanic ostracods (Conchoecia pseudodiscophora, C. haddoni and C. skgsbergi) in the Oyashio region (Site H), western North Pacific Ocean. Abstract of PICES X Annual Meeting.
327. Yamada, Yuichiro, Tsutomu Ikeda and Atsushi Tsuda, 2001. Seasonal variability in the abundance and biomass of four pelagic amphipods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Abstract of PICES X Annual Meeting.
328. Ikeda, T., J. J. Torres, S. Hernandez-Leon and S. P. Geiger, 2001.
Metabolism. In: ICES Zooplankton Methodology Mannual, Harris, R.P., P.H.
Wiebe, J. Lenz, H.R. Skjoldal and M. Huntley (eds.), Academic Press, San
Diego, pp. 455-532.
329. Yamada, Yuichiro and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2001. Notes on early development and secondary sexual characteristics of the mesopelagic amphipod Primno abyssalis (Hyperiidea: Phrosinidae). Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 52: 61-65.
330. Ikeda, T., Y. Kanno, K. Ozaki and A. Shinada, 2001. Metabolic rates of epipelagic marine copepods as a function of body mass and temperature. Mar. Biol. 139: 587-596.
331. 池田勉, 2001. 動物プランクトンの生活史と生産量の総合研究- 日本海富山湾でのケース・スタディ. 月刊海洋 号外27: 25-31.
332. 志賀直信, 2001. 亜寒帯太平洋の尾虫類の鉛直分布. 月刊海洋 号外27: 198-206.
333. Shinada, Akiyoshi, Tsutomu Ikeda, Syuhei Ban and Atsushi Tsuda, 2001. Seasonal dynamics of planktonic food chain in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. J. Plankton Res. 23: 1237-1247.
334. 池田勉, 2002. 海洋動物プランクトンの実験生態学的研究. 海の研究 11: 295-304.
335. Yamaguchi, Atsushi and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2002. Vertical distribution patterns of three mesopelagic Paraeuchaeta species (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 53: 1-10.
336. Yamaguchi, Atsushi and Tsutomu Ikeda, 2002. Reproductive and developmental characteristics of three mesopelagic Paraeuchaeta species (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 53: 11-21.
337. 伴修平, 2002. 海洋生態系における珪藻ブルームの役割. 平成12年度-13年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(2))研究成果報告書.
338. Nakabayashi, S., K. Kuma, K. Sasaoka, S. Saitoh, M. Mochizuki, N. Shiga and M. Kusakabe, 2002. Variation in iron (III) solubility and iron concentration in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 885-892.
339. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda, M. M. Takahashi, 2002. Community and trophic structures of pelagic copepods down to greater depths in the western subarctic Pacific (WEST-COSMIC). Deep-Sea Res. I 49: 1007-1025.
340. 帰山秀樹・池田勉, 2002. 海産植物プランクトンの成長に及ぼす界面活性剤ノニルフェノールエトキシレートとその分解産物ノニルフェノールの急性毒性に関する予備的研究. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 53: 63-67.
341. Kaeriyama, H. and T. Ikeda, 2002. Body allometry and developmental characteristics of the three dominant ostracods (Discoconchoecia pseudodiscophora, Orthoconchoecia haddoni and Metaconchoecia skogsbergi) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49: 97-100.
342. Kaeriyama, H. and T. Ikeda, 2002. Vertical distribution and population
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343. Padmavati, G. and T. Ikeda, 2002. Development of Metridia pacifica (Crustacea: Copepoda) reared at different temperatures in the laboratory. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49: 93-96.
344. Ikeda, T., K. Hirakawa and N. Shiga, 2002. Production, metabolism and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of Metridia pacifica (Crustacea: Copepoda) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 49: 58-65.
345. Ikeda, T. and P. W. Wheeler, 2002. Ocean impacts from the bottom of the food web to the top: Biological Oceanography Committee (BIO) retrospective. PICES Sci. Rep. 22: 25-34.
346. Mochizuki, M., N. Shiga, M. Saito, K. Imai and Y. Nojiri, 2002. Seasonal
changes in nutrients, chlorophyll a and the phytoplankton assemblage of
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347. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda, M. M. Takahashi, 2002. Structure and size distribution of plankton communities down to the greater depths in the western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. II 49: 5513-5529.
348. Napp, J. M., C. T. Baier, R. D. Brodeur, K. O. Coyle, N. Shiga and K. Mier, 2002. Interannual and decadal variability in zooplankton communities of the southeast Bering Sea shelf. Deep-Sea Res. II 49: 5991-6008.
349. Iida, T., S.-I. Saitoh, T. Miyamura, M. Toratani, H. Fukushima and N. Shiga, 2002. Temporal and spatial variability of coccolithophore blooms in the eastern Bering Sea, 1998-2001. Prog. Oceanogr. 55: 165-175.
350. Mizobata, K., S.-I. Saitoh, A. Shiomoto, T. Miyamura, N. Shiga, K. Imai, M. Toratani, Y. Kajiwara and K. Sasaoka, 2002. Bering Sea cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies observed during summer 2000 and 2001. Prog. Oceanogr. 55: 65-75.
351. Yamada, Y., T. Ikeda and A. Tsuda, 2002. Abundance, growth and life
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352. Lee, H.-W., S. Ban, T. Ikeda, T. Matsuishi, 2003. Effect of temperature on development, growth and reproduction in the marine
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353. Yamada, Y. and T. Ikeda, 2003. Metabolism and chemical composition of four pelagic amphipods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253: 233-241.
354. Kobari, T., T. Ikeda, Y. Kanno, N. Shiga, S. Takagi and T. Azumaya, 2003. Interannual variations in abundance and body size in Neocalanus copepods
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355. Tomita, M., N. Shiga and T. Ikeda, 2003. Seasonal occurrence and vertical distribution of appendicularians in Toyama
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356. 山口 篤・三輪喜之・井上勝夫・松本稔範・志賀直信, 2003. 沿岸親潮における動物プランクトン群集の特徴. 沿岸海洋研究 41: 23-31.
357. Shinada, A., S. Ban and T. Ikeda, 2003. Seasonal changes in nano/micro-zooplankton herbivory and heterotrophic nano-flagellates bacterivory off Cape Esan, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. J. Oceanogr. 59: 609-618.
358. Ikeda, T. and W. T. Peterson, 2003. 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium. PICES Press 11 (2): 4-7.
359. 山口 篤・池田 勉, 2003. 中・深層性かいあし類をめぐる被食・捕食関係. 日本プランクトン学会報 50: 114-119.
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361. Yamaguchi, A., P. Dalpadado and T. Ikeda (2003) Morphological comparison of feeding appendages of Calanus and Neocalanus copepods. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 54: 59-65.
362. 蒲生敏敬・山口 篤・浅沼市男・才野敏郎(2003)海洋化学・生物調査技術. 海洋調査技術 15: 89-134.
363. Yamada, Y. and T. Ikeda (2004) Some diagnostic characters for the classification of two sympatric hyperiid amphipods, Themisto pacifica and T. japonica, in the western North Pacific. Bull. Fish. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 54: 59-65.
364. Takata, H., K. Kuma, S. Iwade, Y. Yamajyoh, A. Yamaguchi and 7 authors (2004) Spatial variability of iron in the surface water of the northwestern North Pacific Ocean. Marine Chemistry 86: 139-157.
365. Padmavati, G., T. Ikeda and A. Yamaguchi (2004) Life cycle, population structure and vertical distribution of Metridia spp. (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region (NW Pacific Ocean). Marine Ecology Progress Series 270: 181-198.
366. Yamaguchi, A., T. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe and J. Ishizaka (2004) Vertical distribution patterns of pelagic copepods as viewed from the “predation
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367. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda, M. Takahashi (2004) Latitudinal differences in the planktonic biomass and community structure down to the greater depths in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 60: 773-787.
368. Iguchi, N. and T. Ikeda (2004) Vertical distribution, population structure and life history of Thysanoessa longipes (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) around Yamato Rise, central Japan Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 1015-1023.
369. Iguchi, N. and T. Ikeda (2004) Metabolism and elemental composition of aggregate and solitary forms of Salpa thompsoni (Tunicata: Thaliacea) in waters off the Antarctic Peninsula during austral summer 1999. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 1025-1037.
370. Taniguchi, M., T. Kanehisa, T. Sawabe, R. Christen and T. Ikeda (2004) Molecular phylogeny of Neocalanus copepods in the subarctic Pacific Ocean, with notes on non-geographical genetic variations for Neocalanus cristatus. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 1249-1255.
371. Yamada, Y., T. Ikeda and A. Tsuda (2004) Comparative life-history study on sympatric hyperiid amphipods (Themisto pacifica and T. japonica) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. Marine Biology 145: 515-527.
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373. Kaeriyama, H. and T. Ikeda (2004) Metabolism and chemical composition of mesopelagic ostracods in the western North Pacific Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 61: 535-541.
374. Ikeda, T., F. Sano and A. Yamaguchi (2004) Metabolism and body composition of a copepod (Neocalanus cristatus: Crustacea) from the bathypelagic zone of the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Marine Biology 145: 1181-1190.
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380. Iguchi, N. and T. Ikeda (2005) Effects of temperature on metabolism, growth and growth efficiency of Thysanoessa longipes (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) in the Japan Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 27: 1-10.
381. Hernandez-Leon, S. and T. Ikeda (2005) A global assessment of mesozooplankton respiration in the ocean. Journal of Plankton Research 27: 153-158.
382. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, M. Maeda, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda and M. M. Takahashi (2005) Biomass and chemical composition of net-plankton down to greater depths
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383. Shoden, S., T. Ikeda and A. Yamaguchi (2005). Vertical distribution, population structure and life cycle of Eucalanus bungii (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, with notes on its regional variations. Marine Biology 146: 497-511.
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392. Watanabe, Y., A. Yamaguchi, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, S. Suzuki, Y. Sekido, T. Ikeda, Y. Shirayama, M. M. Takahashi, T. Ohsumi and J. Ishizaka (2006) Lethality of increasing CO2 levels on deep-sea copepods in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 62: 185-196.
393. 山口 篤 (2006) 北太平洋亜寒帯域のカラヌス目カイアシ類に体表付着する繊毛虫吸管虫亜綱について. 日本プランクトン学会報 53: 29-36.
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396. Yamada, Y. and T. Ikeda (2006). Production, metabolism and trophic importance of four pelagic amphipods
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397. Takahashi, D. and T. Ikeda (2006). Abundance, vertical distribution and life cycle patterns of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Plankton and Benthos Research 1: 91-96.
398. 山口 篤・寺崎 誠 (2006). 日本プランクトン学会における分類学研究について. 海洋と生物 28: 262-266,
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400. Ikeda, T. F. Sano, A. Yamaguchi, T. Matsuishi (2006). Metabolism of mesopelagic and bathypelagic copepods in the western North Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 322: 199-211.
401. Yamaguchi, A., T. Ikeda and N. Shiga (2006). Marine ecosystem characteristics and seasonal abundance of dominant calanoid copepods in the Oyashio region. PICES Scientific Report 32: 51-52.
402. Ikeda, T. (2006). OECOS: Proposed mesozooplankton research in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. PICES Scientific Report 32: 53-56.
403. Takahashi, T., M. Taniguchi, T. Sawabe, R. Christen and T. Ikeda (2006). Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Euphausia pacifica, Thysanoessa longipes and T. inermis (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) in the subarctic Pacific region, with notes on non-geographical genetic variations for E. pacifica. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Univ. 57: 1-8.
404. Ikeda, T., A. Yamaguchi and T. Matsuishi (2006). Chemical composition and energy content of deep-sea calanoid copepods in
the Western North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 53: 1791-1809.
405. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda (2007). Vertical distribution, population structure and life cycles of four oncaeid
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406. Takatsu, T., Y. Suzuki, A. Shimizu, K. Imura, Y. Hiraoka and N. Shiga (2007). Feeding habits of stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus larvae in Mutsu Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science 73: 142-155.
407. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda (2007). Laboratory observations on early development of the oncaeid copepod Triconia canadensis from the mesopelagic zone of the western subarctic Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87: 479-482.
408. 山口 篤 (2007). 北太平洋の中・深層域に分布するプランクトン生物の生態学的研究. 海の研究 16: 129-142.
409. Ikeda, T., F. Sano and A. Yamaguchi (2007). Respiration in marine pelagic copepods: a global-bathymetric model. Marine Ecology Progress Series 339: 215-219.
410. Yamaguchi, A., S. Ohtsuka, K. Hirakawa and T. Ikeda (2007). Vertical distribution and feeding ecology of a copepod Gaetanus variabilis in the southern Japan Sea during winter. La Mer 45: 47-58.
411. Ikeda, T. F. Sano, A. Yamaguchi and T. Matsuishi (2007). RNA:DNA ratios of calanoid copepods from the epipelagic through abyssopelagic
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413. Ozawa, M., A. Yamaguchi, T. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe and J. Ishizaka (2007). Abundance and community structure of chaetognaths from the epipelagic through abyssopelagic zones in the western North Pacific and its adjacent seas. Plankton Benthos Research 2: 184-197.
414. Nishibe, Y. and T. Ikeda (2008). Metabolism and elemental composition of four oncaeid copepods in the western
subarctic Pacific. Marine Biology 153: 397-404.
415. 横井 裕・山口 篤・池田 勉 (2008). 光学式プランクトンカウンター(Optical Plankton Counter)を用いた初夏の西部北太平洋における動物プランクトン群集構造の緯度・経年変動解析. 日本プランクトン学会報 55: 9-24.
416. Shinada, A., S. Ban and T. Ikeda (2008). Seasonal changes in the planktonic food web off Cape Esan, southwestern
Hokkaido, Japan. Plankton Benthos Research 3: 18-26.
417. 山口 篤・野別貴博 (2008). 知床羅臼深層水により採集された動物プランクトン群集の季節変化. 平成19年度知床世界自然遺産地域生態系モニタリング調査業務報告書, 財団法人 知床財団.
418. Ikeda, T., N. Shiga and A. Yamaguchi (2008). Structure, biomass distribution and trophodynamics of the Pelagic ecosystem
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419. Takenaka, Y., H. Masuda, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishikawa, Y. Shigeri, Y. Yoshida and H. Mizuno (2008). Two forms of secreted and thermostable luciferases from the marine copepod
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420. Yamaguchi, A. (2008). Comparison of mesozooplankton biomass down to the greater depths (0-3000
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421. Dalpadado, P., A. Yamaguchi, B. Ellertsen and S. Johannessen (2008). Trophic interactions of macrozooplankton (krill and amphipods) in the marginal ice zone of the Barents Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 55: 2266-2274.
422. 山口 篤・渡辺雄二・石坂丞二・池田 勉 (2008). 深海生物群集 -生物量と食物網-.
月刊海洋 40: 349-361.
423. Kim, H. S., A. Yamaguchi and T. Ikeda (2009). Abundance, biomass and life cycle patterns of euphausiids (Euphausia pacifica, Thysanoessa inspinata and T. longipes) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Plankton and Benthos Research 4: 43-52.
424. 今井一郎 (2009). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(2)ラフィド藻. 海洋と生物
31: 212-218.
425. Nishibori, N., Niitsu, M., Fujihara, S., Sagara, T., Nishio, S. and
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cultures of the red tide flagellates Chattonella antiqua and Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae). FEMS Microbiology Letters 298: 74-78.
426. 今井一郎 (2009). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(3)シャットネラ赤潮の発生と増殖生理.
海洋と生物 31: 316-322.
427. 今井一郎 (2009). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(4)シャットネラのシスト形成と生活史.
海洋と生物 31: 432-439.
428. 今井一郎 (2009). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(5)シャットネラのシストの生理学.
海洋と生物 31: 551-559.
429. 白石智孝・今井一郎・左子芳彦・石井健一郎・神川龍馬・山本圭吾・中嶋昌紀・長井 敏 (2009). 大阪湾における有毒渦鞭毛藻Alexandrium属シストの動態に関する研究. 瀬戸内海 58: 48-50.
430. Matsuno, K., H. S. Kim and A. Yamaguchi (2009). Causes of under- or overestimation of zooplankton biomass using Optical Plankton Counter (OPC): effect of size and taxa. Plankton and Benthos Research 4: 154-159.
431. 今井一郎 (2009). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(6)シャットネラ赤潮の発生とシストの動態. 海洋と生物 31: 659-666.
432. Yamaguchi, A. (2009). Characteristics of the zooplankton community in the Okhotsk Sea in autumn: A comparison with the Oyashio region. PICES Scientific Report 36: 240-242.
433. 今井一郎 (2010). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(7)シャットネラ赤潮の発生予知. 海洋と生物 32: 89-95.
434. Kim, H. S. and A. Yamaguchi (2010). Early development of euphausiid Thysanoessa inspinata and T. longipes observed in the laboratory. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 60: 13-18.
435. 福井大介・北辻さほ・池田 勉・志賀直信・山口 篤 (2010). 北海道忍路湾におけるネット植物プランクトン群集の長期変動(1984-2004年). 日本プランクトン学会報 57: 30-40.
436. 今井一郎 (2010). 赤潮(1.2.1.C章). pp. 43-48:改訂 水産海洋ハンドブック, 竹内俊郎・中田英昭・和田時夫・上田宏・有元貴文・渡部終五・中前明(編), 生物研究社.
437. 今井一郎 (2010). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(8)シャットネラ赤潮の発生環境:播磨灘を例として. 海洋と生物 32: 175-180.
438. 今井一郎・清野聡子 (2010). 沿岸環境関連学会連絡協議会第20回ジョイントシンポジウム「海洋基本計画と沿岸環境」の開催. 日本水産学会誌 76: 449-457.
439. 今井一郎 (2010). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(9)シャットネラ赤潮の発生機構. 海洋と生物 32: 270-280.
440. Homma, T. and A. Yamaguchi (2010). Vertical changes in abundance, biomass and community structure of copepods down to 3000 m in the southern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research I 57: 965-977.
441. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Onishi, A. Omata, M. Kawai, M. Kaneda and T. Ikeda (2010). Population structure, egg production and gut content pigment of large grazing
copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1679-1690.
442. Yamaguchi, A., Y. Onishi, M. Kawai, A. Omata, M. Kaneda and T. Ikeda (2010). Diel and ontogenetic variations in vertical distributions of large grazing
copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1691-1702.
443. Kim, H. S., A. Yamaguchi and T. Ikeda (2010). Population dynamics of the euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa inspinata in the Oyashio region during the 2007 spring phytoplankton bloom. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1727-1732.
444. Kim, H. S., A. Yamaguchi and T. Ikeda (2010). Metabolism and elemental composition of the euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa inspinata during the phytoplankton bloom season in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II 57: 1733-1741.
445. 山口 篤・野別貴博 (2010). 知床らうす深層水により採集された動物プランクトン群集の季節変化.
pp. 434-444, 財団法人 知床財団.
446. Park, J.-H., I. Yoshinaga, T. Nishikawa and I. Imai (2010). Algicidal bacteria in particle-associated form and in free-living form during a diatom bloom in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 60: 151-160.
447. 今井一郎 (2010). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(10)シャットネラ赤潮の捕食生物.
海洋と生物 32: 371-379.
448. 今井一郎 (2010). 7.3.1. 微生物による赤潮の形成. 生物の辞典(石原勝敏・末光隆史
[総編集]), pp. 275-277, 朝倉書店.
449. Batten, S., Chen, X., Flint, E.N., Freeland, H.J., Holmes, J., Howell, E., Ichii, T., Kaeriyama, M., Landry, M., Lunsford, C., Mackas, D.L., Mate, B., Matsuda, K., McKinnell, S.M., Miller, L., Morgan, K., Pena, A., Polovina, J.J., Robert, M., Seki, M.P., Sydeman, W.J., Thompson, S.A., Whitney, F.A., Woodworth, P., Yamaguchi, A. (2010). Status and trends of the North Pacific oceanic region, 2003-2008, pp. 56-105 In S.M. McKinnell and M.J. Dagg. (Eds.) Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. PICES Special Publication 4, 393 p.
450. 今井一郎 (2010). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(11)シャットネラ赤潮と漁業被害および被害軽減対策.
海洋と生物 32: 501-506.
451. Matsuno, K. and A. Yamaguchi (2010). Abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton along north-south transects (165E
and 165W) in summer in the North Pacific: an analysis with an optical plankton
counter. Plankton Benthos Research 5: 123-130.
452.Hatano, M. and I. Imai (2010). Selenium requirements for growth of the red tide dinoflagellates Heterocapsa circularisquama, H. triquetra and Karenia mikimotoi. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 60: 51-56.
453.今井一郎 (2010). 栄養物質の動態およびヨシのバイオフィルムをめぐる食物連鎖の解析. IFO Research Communications 24: 193-200.
454.今井一郎 (2010). ヨシ帯に由来するアオコ抑制微生物の生理生態学的研究. IFO Research Communications 24: 201-212.
455.荏原明則・今井一郎・小林悦夫・戸田常一・土岡正洋・浮田正夫・山下 洋・柳 哲雄 (2010). 第5章 対応. 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ-瀬戸内海の経験と教訓-里海としての瀬戸内海(日本の里山・里海評価-西日本クラスター瀬戸内海グループ [編]), pp. 108-152, 国際連合大学, 東京.
456.今井一郎 (2010). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(12)赤潮の防除対策. 海洋と生物 32: 584-588.
457.Saito, R., A. Yamaguchi, S.-i. Saitoh, K. Kuma and I. Imai (2011).
East-west comparison of the zooplankton community in the subarctic Pacific during summers of 2003-2006. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 145-160.
458.今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒プランクトンのモニタリングと同定研修会. MF21(マリノフォーラム21)55:
459. 今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(13)赤潮プランクトンを殺滅する細菌.
海洋と生物 33: 97-103.
460. 石川 輝・今井一郎 (2011). 鞭毛藻類の生活史とその戦略の多様性. 日本プランクトン学会報
58: 60-64.
461. 大塚 攻・山口 篤・花村幸生 (2011). 動物プランクトンに共生する繊毛虫類の生活史と生態的機能.
日本プランクトン学会報 58: 87-93.
462. Nishikawa, T., Y. Hori, S. Nagai, K. Miyahara, Y. Nakamura, K. Harada, K. Tada and I. Imai (2011). Long time-series observations in population dynamics of the harmful diatom
Eucampia zodiacus and environmental factors in Harima-Nada, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan during 1974-2008. Plankton Benthos Research 6: 26-34.
463. 今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(14)シャットネラの殺藻細菌.
海洋と生物 33: 154-163.
464. Ohtsuka, S., T. Horiguchi, Y. Hanamura, A. Yamaguchi, M. Shimomura, T. Suzuki, K. Ishiguro, H. Hanaoka, K. Yamada and S. Ohtani (2011) Symbyosis of planktonic copepods and mysids with epibionts and parasites
in the North Pacific: diversity and interactions. pp. 1-14 In: New Frontiers in Crustacean Biology (Crustaceana Monographs, 15) (ed. A. Asakura). Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
465. 今井一郎・山口峰生・松岡數充 (2011). ミニシンポジウム記録:沿岸域における有害有毒プランクトンの発生メカニズムと予知. 日本水産学会誌 77: 438-443.
466. Naito, K., A. Tanabe, S. Itakura, M. Yamaguchi and I Imai (2011). Evaluation of major nutrients regulating the growth of diatoms in Harima-Nada,
the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 61: 5-12.
467. 福崎康司・内藤佳奈子・吉岡崇仁・澤山茂樹・今井一郎 (2011). 腐植物質が有害ラフィド藻Chattonella antiquaの増殖に与える影響. 北大水産彙報 61: 23-28.
468. 今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(15)殺藻細菌による赤潮プランクトンの殺藻機構-1. 海洋と生物 33: 254-259.
469. Ishii, K., M. Iwataki, K. Matsuoka and I. Imai (2011). Proposal of identification criteria for resting spores of Chaetoceros species (Bacillariophyceae) from a temperate coastal sea. Phycologia 50: 351-362.
470. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake and I. Imai (2011). Year-to-year changes of the mesozooplankton community in the Chukchi Sea
during summers of 1991, 1992 and 2007, 2008. Polar Biology 34: 1349-1360.
471. Yamaguchi, A., K. Ohgi, T. Kobari, G. Padmavati and T. Ikeda (2011). Phenology in large grazing copepods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic
Pacific. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 61: 13-22.
472. 山口 篤 (2011). 親潮域における動物プランクトン研究の最近の進歩. 北大水産紀要 53: 13-18.
473. Sato, K.-i., A. Yamaguchi, H. Ueno and T. Ikeda (2011). Vertical segregation within four grazing copepods in the Oyashio region
during early spring.. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1230-1238.
474. 畑山裕城・石川 輝・夏池真史・武市有未・鰺坂哲朗・澤山茂樹・今井一郎
(2011) 日本海若狭湾西部において見出された底生渦鞭毛藻Gambierdiscus属. 日本水産学会誌
77: 685-687.
475. 今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(16)殺藻細菌による赤潮プランクトンの殺藻機構-2.
海洋と生物 33: 368-376.
476. 今井一郎 (2011). ゴードン会議”Mycotoxins & Phycotoxins”で考えたこと.
日本プランクトン学会報 58: 185-187.
477. 今井一郎 (2011). 沿岸域における赤潮の発生と予防対策. Ship & Ocean
Newsletter 267: 6-7.
478. 大橋理恵・石井健一郎・藤木徹一・喜多村稔・松本和彦・本多牧生・山口 篤(2011) セジメントトラップにより採集された初夏の西部北太平洋亜寒帯域におけるプランクトン群集の短期時系列変動. 日本プランクトン学会報 58: 123-135.
479. 西川哲也・今井一郎 (2011) 有害珪藻Eucampia zodiacusによる養殖ノリ色落ち発生予察. 日本水産学会誌 77: 876-880.
480. 今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(17)現場海域における殺藻細菌と赤潮プランクトンの関係-1.
海洋と生物 33: 457-467.
481. 齋藤 類・山口 篤・今井一郎・津田 敦・安田一郎 (2011) 2009年夏季のアリューシャン列島周辺海域における動物プランクトン群集の水平分布.
月刊海洋 43: 749-755.
482. Ishikawa, A., S. Kitami, K.-I. Ishii, T. Nakamura and I. Imai (2011). Resting stage cells of diatoms in deep waters in Kumano-Nada, central part
of Japan. Plankton Benthos Research 6: 206-209.
483. 今井一郎 (2011). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(18)現場海域における殺藻細菌と赤潮プランクトンの関係-2. 海洋と生物 33: 555-562.
484. Homma, T., A. Yamaguchi, J. R. Bower and I. Imai (2011). Vertical changes in abundance, biomass, and community structure of copepods in the northern North Pacific and Bering Sea at 0-3000 m depth, and their role on the vertical flux of surface-produced organic material. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 61: 29-47.
485. Imai, I. and M. Yamaguchi (2012). Life cycle, physiology, ecology and red tide occurrence of the fish-killing
raphidophyte Chattonella. Harmful Algae 14: 46-70.
486. 今井一郎 (2012). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(19)現場海域における殺藻細菌と赤潮プランクトンの関係-3. 海洋と生物 34: 70-79.
487. 夏池真史・金森 誠・馬場勝寿・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2012). 噴火湾における球形シャットネラChattonella globosaの初報告. 北大水産彙報 62: 9-13.
488. 板倉 茂・長崎慶三・河村知彦・今井一郎 (2012). 沿岸域海底泥中に存在する珪藻類休眠期細胞の凍結耐性. 北大水産彙報 62: 15-19.
489. 今井一郎・岡本 悟・西垣友和・吉永郁生・竹内照文 (2012). 和歌山県下芳養湾における海水中およびアオサに付着する赤潮藻殺藻細菌の分布. 北大水産彙報 62: 21-28.
490. 荏原明則・今井一郎・井内美郎・石川潤一郎・小林悦夫・松田 治・寺脇利信・戸田常一・土岡正洋・上 真一・浮田正夫・山下 洋・柳 哲雄・湯浅一郎・銭谷 弘 (2012). 西日本クラスター: 里海としての瀬戸内海. pp. 185-194, 「里山・里海-自然の恵みと人々の暮らし-」国際連合大学高等研究所、日本の里山・里海評価委員会, 朝倉書店, 東京.
491. 今井一郎 (2012). 第2章:有害有毒赤潮の発生から沿岸域を守る. pp. 29-48, 「シリーズ21世紀の農学-環境の保全と修復に貢献する農学研究」日本農学会編, 養賢堂, 東京.
492. Chiba, S., H. Sugisaki, A. Kuwata, K. Tadokoro, T. Kobari, A. Yamaguchi and D. L. Mackas (2012). Pan-North Pacific comparison of long-term variation in Neocalanus copepods based on stable isotope analysis. Progress in Oceanography 97-100: 63-75.
493. Abe, Y., K.-i. Ishii, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2012). Short-term changes in population structure and vertical distribution of mesopelagic copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Deep-Sea Research I 65: 100-112.
494. 今井一郎 (2012). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(20)赤潮プランクトンの相互関係-1. 海洋と生物 34: 160-167.
495. Shiraishi, T., R. Kamikawa, Y. Sako and I. Imai (2012). Monitoring harmful microalgae by using a molecular biological technique. pp. 15-28, in Food Quality (ed. K. Kapiris), Intechopen, Rijeka, Croatia.
496. Ishii, K.-i., A. Ishikawa and I. Imai (2012). Newly identified resting stage cells of diatoms from sediments collected
in Ago Bay, central part of Japan. Plankton Benthos Research 7: 1-7.
497. Takenaka, Y., A. Yamaguchi, N. Tsuruoka, M. Torimura, T. Gojobori and Y. Shigeri (2012) Evolution of bioluminescence in marine planktonic copepods. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 1669-1681.
498. Fukuda, J., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno and I. Imai (2012) Interannual and latitudinal changes in zooplankton abundance, biomass and
size composition along a central North Pacific transect during summer:
analyses with an Optical Plankton Counter. Plankton Benthos Research 7: 64-74.
499. Saito, R., A. Yamaguchi, S.-i. Saitoh, K. Kuma and I. Imai (2012) Abundance, biomass and body size of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the western and eastern subarctic Pacific during the summers of 2003-2006. Plankton Benthos Research 7: 96-99.
500. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, K. Shimada and I Imai (2012) Horizontal distribution of calanoid copepods in the western Arctic Ocean
during the summer of 2008. Polar Science 6: 105-119.
501. 中西 敬・高瀬博文・中谷明泰・今井一郎 (2012). 貧栄養状態での栄養塩供給手法としての海底耕耘の効果に関する調査研究.
土木学会海洋開発委員会 第37回海洋開発シンポジウム予稿集. 6p.
502. 今井一郎 (2012). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(21)赤潮プランクトンの相互関係-2. 海洋と生物 34: 268-275.
503. Stabeno, P. J., N. B. Kachel, S. E. Moore, J. M. Napp, M. Sigler, A. Yamaguchi and A. N. Zerbini (2012) Comparison of warm and cold years on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf
and some implications for the ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research II 65-70: 31-45.
504. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi and I Imai (2012). Biomass size spectra of mesozooplankton in the Chukchi Sea during the summers
of 1991/1992 and 2007/2008: an analysis using optical plankton counter
data. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1205-1217.
505. 今井一郎 (2012). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(22)赤潮プランクトンの相互関係-3.
海洋と生物 34: 382-390.
506. 山口 篤・小鳥守之 (2012). 日本東方海域における浮遊性ヤムシ類の動物相と分布生態に関するレビュー.
日本プランクトン学会報 59: 98-101.
507. Imai, I., T. Kido, I. Yoshinaga, K. Ohgi and S. Nagai (2012). Isolation
of Microcystis-killer bacterium Agrobacterium vitis from the biofilm on
the surface of the water plant Egeria densa. pp. 164-166 In: Proceedings
of the 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae (eds. Pagou, P. and
G. Hallegraeff).International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae and
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 2012.
508. 今井一郎 (2012). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(23)赤潮プランクトンの相互関係-4.
海洋と生物 34: 480-486.
509. 今井一郎 (2012). 培養条件下で観察された赤潮ラフィド藻Chattonella marinaの高い増殖速度. 北大水産彙報62: 71-74.
510. Shiota, T., A. Yamaguchi, R. Saito, I. Imai (2012). Geographical variations in abundance and body size of the hydromedusa Aglantha
digitale in the northern North Pacific and its adjacent seas. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 62: 63-69.
511. 今井一郎 (2012). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(24)細胞間の接触とシスト形成.
海洋と生物 34: 577-582.
512. 今井一郎 (2013). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(25)有害渦鞭毛藻コクロディニウムのシスト形成. 海洋と生物 35: 68-75.
513. 今井一郎・白石智孝・藤井 光・広石伸互 (2013). 舞鶴湾における有害渦鞭毛藻Heterocapsa circularisquamaの季節的変動. 北大水産彙報63: 1-5.
514. 今井一郎 (2013). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(26)淡水産ラフィド藻Gonyostomum semenのブルーム. 海洋と生物 35: 154-159.
515. Chikugo, K., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno, R. Saito and I. Imai (2013). Life history and production of pelagic mysids and decapods in the Oyashio
region, Japan. Crustaceana 86: 449-474.
516. 今井一郎 (2013). 有害有毒赤潮の生物学(27)淡水産ラフィド藻Gonyostomum semenの生活環. 海洋と生物 35: 261-268.
517. Natsuike M., S. Nagai, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, C. Tsukazaki, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2013) Abundance and distribution of toxic Alexandrium tamarense resting cysts in the sediments of the Chukchi Sea and the eastern Bering Sea. Harmful Algae 27: 52-59.
518. 今井一郎 (2013). 夏期の播磨灘におけるChattonella赤潮の発生と海洋細菌の挙動. 北大水産彙報63: 7-11.
519. 今井一郎 (2013). 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-1. 海洋と生物 35:
520. Takenaka, Y., A. Noda-Ogura, T. Imanishi, A. Yamaguchi, T. Gojobori, Y. Shigeri (2013) Computational analysis and functional expression of ancestral copepod luciferase. Gene 528: 201-205.
521. Nakamura, Y., I. Imai, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji and N. Suzuki (2013) Aulographis japonica sp. nov. (Phaeodaria, Aulacanthida, Aulacanthidae), an abundant zooplankton in the deep sea of the Sea of Japan. Plankton and Benthos Research 8: 107-115.
522. Yamaguchi, A., T. Homma, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, H. Ueno, T. Hirawake and I. Imai (2013) East-west differences in population structure and vertical distribution
of copepods along 47°N in the subarctic Pacific in June 2009. Plankton and Benthos Research 8: 116-123.
523. Tsukazaki, C., K.-I. Ishii, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2013) Distribution of viable diatom resting stage cells in bottom sediments of
the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Deep-Sea Research II 94: 22-30.
524. Ohashi, R., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, N. Yamada, A. Iijima, N. Shiga and I. Imai (2013) Interannual changes in the zooplankton community structure on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf during summers of 1994-2009. Deep-Sea Research II 94: 44-56.
525. 今井一郎 (2013). 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-2. 海洋と生物 35: 510-515.
526. Abe, Y., M. Natsuike, K. Matsuno, T. Terui, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2013) Variation in assimilation efficiencies of dominant Neocalanus and Eucalanus copepods in the subarctic Pacific: Consequences for population structure models. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449: 321-329.
527. 夏池真史・今井一郎・山本圭吾・中嶋昌紀 (2013) 淀川河川からのリン供給が麻痺性貝毒原因藻類Alexandrium tamarenseおよび珪藻Skeletonema sp.の種間競合に及ぼす影響について. 瀬戸内海 66: 50-53.
528. 塩田知也・阿部義之・齋藤 類・松野孝平・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2013) 光学式プランクトンカウンターによる北太平洋外洋域における動物プランクトン群集の空間変動解析. 北大水産彙報 63: 13-22.
529. 今井一郎・西垣友和・岡本 悟・山本圭吾・竹内照文・吉永郁生・平田八郎 (2013) 和歌山県田辺湾と大阪湾における赤潮藻殺藻微生物の分布. 北大水産彙報 63: 23-31.
530. 西谷 豪・山田雄一郎・長坂翔子・横山勝英・夏池真史・吉永郁生 (2013)
2013年に気仙沼舞根湾海域で発生した有害有毒プランクトン. 海洋と生物 35:
531. 今井一郎 (2013). 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-3. 海洋と生物 35: 620-627.
532. Lindsay, D.J., H. Yoshida, S. Ishibashi, M. Umetsu, A. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, J. Nishikawa, J.D. Reimer, H. Watanabe, K. Fujikura and T. Maruyama (2013) The uROV PICASSO, the Visual Plankton Recorder, and other attempts to image
plankton. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2013: doi: 10.1109/UT.2013.6519854.
533. Saito, R., A. Yamaguchi, I. Yasuda, H. Ueno, H. Ishiyama, H. Onishi and I. Imai (2014) Influences of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies on the zooplankton community south of the western Aleutian Islands during the summer of 2010. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 117-128.
534. Inaba, N, T. Watanabe, T. Sakami, H. Nishi, Y. Tahara and I. Imai (2014) Temporal and spatial distribution of algicidal and growth-inhibiting bacteria
in the coastal sea of southwest Japan. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 388-397.
535. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, A. Fujiwara, J. Onodera, E. Watanabe, I. Imai, S. Chiba, N. Harada and T. Kikuchi (2014) Seasonal changes in mesozooplankton swimmers collected by sediment trap moored at a single station on the Northwind Abyssal Plain in the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 490-502.
536. 今井一郎 (2014) 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-4. 海洋と生物 36: 92-97.
537. Lindsay, D.J., A. Yamaguchi, M.M. Grossmann, J. Nishikawa, A. Sabates,
V. Fuentes, M. Hall, K. Sunahara and H. Yamamoto (2014) Vertical profiles
of marine particles: a step towards global scale comparisons using an Autonomous
Visual Plankton Recorder. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan 61:
538. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, H. Asami, H. Shimada and I. Imai (2014) Seasonal changes in zooplankton community structure in Ishikari Bay, Japan
Sea. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 64: 17-23.
539. 今井一郎 (2014) 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-5. 海洋と生物 36: 221-226.
540. Onishi, Y., Y. Mohri, A. Tuji, K. Ohgi, A. Yamaguchi, I. Imai (2014) The seagrass Zostera marina harbors growth-inhibiting bacteria against the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Fisheries Science 80: 353-362.
541. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, R. Saito, H. Asami, H. Shimada and I. Imai (2014) Seasonal changes in body size and oil sac volume of the three planktonic
copepods, Paracalanus parvus (Claus, 1863), Pseudocalanus newmani Frost, 1989 and Oithona similis (Claus, 1866), in a temperate embayment: what controls their seasonality? Crustaceana 87: 364-375.
542. Watanabe, E., J. Onodera, N. Harada, M. C. Honda, K. Kimoto., T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, A. Ishida and M. J. Kishi (2014) Enhanced role of eddies in the Arctic marine biological pump. Nature communications 5: 3950.
543. Yamaguchi, A., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, D. Arima and K. Ohgi (2014) Seasonal changes in zooplankton abundance, biomass, size structure and dominant
copepods in the Oyashio region analysed by an optical plankton counter. Deep-Sea Research I 91: 115-124.
544. 大西由花・山口篤・今井一郎 (2014) 北海道東部厚岸湖および厚岸湾における微生物食物網を構成する微生物群の春季から初夏の変動. 北大水産彙報 64: 45-54.
545. 石井健一郎・澤山茂樹・中村亨・石川輝・今井一郎 (2014) 伊勢湾海底堆積物中に観察された珪藻類休眠期細胞の種同定. 藻類
62: 79-87.
546. Matsuno, K., M. Ichinomiya, A. Yamaguchi, I. Imai and T. Kikuchi (2014)
Horizontal distribution of microprotist community structure in the western
Arctic Ocean during late summer and early fall of 2010. Polar Biology 37: 1185-1195.
547. 今井一郎(2014)有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ- 6. 海洋と生物 36: 320-326.
548. 今井一郎(2014)有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ- 7. 海洋と生物 36: 411-419.
549. 今井一郎 (2014) 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-8. 海洋と生物 36: 522-532.
550. Natsuike, M., M. Kanamori, K. Baba, K. Moribe, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai
(2014) Changes in abundances of Alexandrium tamarense resting cysts after the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Harmful Algae 39: 271-279.
551. Matsuno, K. (2014) Spatial and temporal changes in the plankton community in the western Arctic
Ocean. Memoirs of the Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
56: 65-107.
552. Abe, Y., A. Yamaguchi, K. Matsuno, T. Kono and I. Imai (2014) Short-term changes in the population structure of hydromedusa Aglantha digitale during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 64: 71-81.
553. 今井一郎・奥田亜友美・板倉茂・山口峰生 (2014) 有明海,八代海,及び鹿児島湾の海底泥中における有害赤潮ラフィド藻Heterosigma
akashiwoのシストの分布. 北大水産彙報 64: 89-103.
554. Fukuzaki, K., I. Imai, K. Fukushima, K.-I. Ishii, S. Sawayama and T. Yoshioka
(2014) Fluorescent characteristics of dissolved organic matter produced by bloom-forming
coastal phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 685-694.
555. Nishikawa, T., Y. Hori, S. Nagai, K. Miyahara, Y. Nakamura, K. Harada,
K. Tada and I. Imai (2014) Long-term (36-year) observations on the dynamics of the fish-killing raphidophyte
Chattonella in Harima-Nada, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Journal of Oceanography 70: 153-164.
556. Ishikawa, A., M. Hattori, K.-I. Ishii, D.M. Kulis, D.M. Anderson and I.
Imai (2014) In situ dynamics of cyst and vegetative cell populations of the toxic dinoflagellate
Alexandrium catenella in Ago Bay, central Japan. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 1333-1343.
557. 今井一郎(2014)赤潮. 水産海洋学入門(水産海洋学会編), pp.248-256, 講談社,東京.
558. Imai,
I., H. Shimada, A. Shinada, K. Baba, M. Kanamori, M. Sato, Y. Kuwahara, K.
Miyoshi, M. Tada, K. Hirano, A. Miyazono and S. Itakura (2014) Prediction of
toxic algal bloom occurrences and adaptation to toxic blooms to minimize
economic loss to the scallop aquaculture industry in Hokkaido Japan. PICES
Scientific Report 47: 7-16.
559. Itakura,
S. and I. Imai (2014) Economic impacts of harmful algal blooms on fisheries and
aquaculture in western Japan ? An overview of interannual variability and
interspecies comparison. PICES Scientific Report 47: 7-26.
560. Imai,
I., K. Ohgi, S. Mizuhara, A. Yamaguchi and M. Kaeriyama (2014) Control of
Microcystis aeruginosa bloom by using microorganisms in waters from reed
community and water plant bed. pp.
184-187 In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae
(eds. Kim, H.G., B. Reguera, G.M. Hallegraeff, C.K. Lee, M.S. Han, and J.K.
Choi). International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Maple Design
Agency, Busan, Korea.
561. Yamaguchi, A., K. Matsuno and T. Honma (2015) Spatial changes in the vertical distribution of calanoid copepods down
to great depths in the North Pacific. Zoological Studies 54:13 doi:10.1186/s40555-014-0091-6.
562. Sato, K., K. Matsuno, D. Arima, Y. Abe and A. Yamaguchi (2015) Spatial and temporal changes in zooplankton abundance, biovolume, and size
spectra in the neighboring waters of Japan: analyses using an optical plankton
counter. Zoological Studies 54:18 doi:10.1186/s40555-014-0098-z.
563. 竹中康浩・山口 篤・茂里 康 (2015) カイアシ類 (海洋プランクトン) ルシフェラーゼの構造と進化。 生化学 87: 138-143.
564. Isada, T., T. Hirawake, T. Kobayashi, Y. Nosaka, M. Natsuike, I. Imai,
K. Suzuki, and S.-I. Saitoh (2015) Hyperspectral optical discrimination of phytoplankton community structure
in Funka Bay and its implications for ocean color remote sensing of diatoms. Remote Sensing of Environment 159: 134-151.
565. Nakamura, Y., I. Imai, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji, F. Not and N. Suzuki
(2015) Molecular phylogeny of the widely distributed marine protists, Phaeodaria
(Rhizaria, Cercozoa). Protist 166: 363-373.
566. 夏池真史・金森 誠・馬場勝寿・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2015) 北海道噴火湾における有害赤潮形成ラフィド藻Heterosigma akashiwoの季節変動. 日本プランクトン学会報 62: 1-7.
567. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake, S. Nishino, J. Inoue and T.
Kikuchi (2015) Reproductive success of Pacific copepods in the Arctic Ocean and the possibility
of changes in the Arctic ecosystem. Polar Biology 38: 1075-1079.
568. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, J. Inoue and T. Kikuchi (2015)
Short-term changes in the mesozooplankton community and copepod gut pigment
in the Chukchi Sea in autumn: reflections of a strong wind event. Biogeosciences 12: 4005-4015.
569. 宮下洋平・小林淳希・田中邦明・今井一郎(2015)北海道苅間川の遊水池に播種したヒシによる栄養塩の除去機能. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 65: 101-109.
570. 今井一郎 (2015) 有害赤潮ラフィド藻ヘテロシグマ-9. 海洋と生物 37: 394-401.
571. 石井健一郎・神川龍馬・石川 輝・澤山茂樹・今井一郎・宮下英明(2015)珪藻類の休眠期細胞を利用した応用科学. 遺伝 69: 421-430.
572. Nakamura, Y. and N. Suzuki (2015) Phaeodaria: Diverse marine cercozoans of world-wide distribution. pp. 223-249, Ohtsuka, S., T. Suzaki, T. Horiguchi, N. Suzuki and F. Not
(eds.), Marine Protists: Diversity and Dynamics, Springer Japan, Tokyo.
573. Imai, I. (2015) Interactions between harmful algae and algicidal and growth-inhibiting
bacteria associated with seaweeds and seagrasses. pp. 597-619, Ohtsuka, S., T. Suzaki, T. Horiguchi, N. Suzuki and F. Not
(eds.), Marine Protists: Diversity and Dynamics, Springer Japan, Tokyo.
574. 仲村康秀・鈴木紀毅 (2015) 海洋に広く分布する浮遊性原生生物,フェオダリア類の生物学(総説).日本プランクトン学会報 62: 110-122.
575. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, A. Fujiwara, J. Onodera, E. Watanabe, N.
Harada and T. Kikuchi (2015) Seasonal changes in the population structure of dominant planktonic copepods
collected using a sediment trap moored in the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Natural History 49: 2711-2726.
576. Yamaguchi, A. (2015) Inter-oceanic comparison of planktonic copepod ecology (vertical distribution,
abundance, community structure, population structure and body size) between
the Okhotsk Sea and Oyashio region in autumn. Journal of Natural History 49: 2743-2757.
577. Arima, D., K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, T. Nobetsu and I Imai (2015)
Seasonal and inter-species comparison of asymmetry in the genital system
of some species of the oceanic copepod genus Metridia (Copepoda, Calanoida). Crustaceana 88: 1307-1321.
578. Ershova, E.A., R.R. Hopcroft, K,N. Kosobokova, K. Matsuno, R.J. Nelson,
A. Yamaguchi and L.B. Eisner (2015) Long-term changes in summer zooplankton communities of the western Chukchi
Sea, 1945-2012. Oceanography 28: 100-115.
579. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, T. Nobetsu and I. Imai (2016) Usefulness of deep-ocean water pumping for the seasonal monitoring of mesozooplankton.
Regional Studies in Marine Science 3: 18-24.
580. Abe, Y., Y. Yamada, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, K. Komatsu and I. Imai (2016) Short-term changes in abundance and population structure of dominant pelagic
amphipod species in the Oyashio region during the spring phytoplankton
bloom. Regional Studies in Marine Science 3: 154-162.
581. Liu, Q., N. Nishibori, I. Imai and J.T. Hollibaugh (2016) Response of polyamine pools in marine phytoplankton to nutrient limitation and variation in temperature and salinity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 544: 93-105.
582. Nakamura, Y., I. Imai, A. Tuji and N. Suzuki (2016) A New Phaeodarian
species discovered from the Japan Sea Proper Water, Auloscena pleuroclada sp. nov. (Aulosphaeridae, Phaeosphaerida, Phaeodaria). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 63: 271-274.
583. 今井一郎 (2016) 1.3.1. 海洋環境をめぐる諸問題. C. 赤潮と有毒ブルーム. pp. 43-48(竹内俊郎ほか編)水産海洋ハンドブック第3版,
生物研究社, 東京.
584. Yokoi, N., K. Matsuno, M. Ichinomiya, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, J.
Onodera, J. Inoue and T. Kikuchi (2016) Short-term changes in a microplankton community in the Chukchi Sea during
autumn: consequences of a strong wind event. Biogeosciences 13: 913-923.
585. Arima, D., A. Yamaguchi, T. Nobetsu and I. Imai (2016) Seasonal abundance, population structure, sex ratio and gonad maturation
of Metridia okhotensis Brodsky, 1950 in the Okhotsk Sea: Analysis of samples collected by pumping
up from deep water. Crustaceana 89: 151-161.
586. 稲葉信晴・秋里綾乃・黒田麻美・西 広海・田原義雄・坂見知子・今井一郎 (2016) 八代海における有害ラフィド藻Chattonella antiquaに対する殺藻及び増殖阻害細菌の時空間的変動. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 66: 9-18.
587. 小島千里・宮下洋平・萩原 匠・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2016) 北海道大沼国定公園内の湖沼群におけるヨシ由来の細菌によるアオコ発生制御の可能性. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 66: 19-28.
588. 松本健太郎・有馬大地・松野孝平・山ア康裕・大西広二・大木淳之・平譯 享・山口 篤・今井一郎 (2016) 西部北太平洋155°E線に沿った春季植物プランクトン群集の水平および鉛直分布:多波長励起蛍光光度計による解析. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 66: 29-38.
589. 今井一郎・山本 直・石井健一郎・稲葉信晴・山本圭吾 (2016) 殺藻細菌が豊富に生息するアマモによる有害赤潮の発生予防. 用水と廃水
58: 295-300.
590. Matsuno, K., A. Yamaguchi, A. Fujiwara, J. Onodera, E. Watanabe, N.
Harada and T. Kikuchi (2016) Seasonal changes in mesozooplankton swimmer community and fecal pellets
collected by sediment trap moored at the Northwind Abyssal Plain in the
western Arctic Ocean. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 66: 77-85.
591. Sasaki, H., K. Matsuno, A. Fujiwara, M. Onuka, A. Yamaguchi, H. Ueno, Y. Watanuki and T. Kikuchi (2016) Distribution of Arctic and Pacific copepods and their habitat in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Biogeosciences 13: 4555-4567.
592. Liu, Q., N. Nishibori, I. Imai and J. T. Hollibaugh (2016) Response of polyamine pools in marine phytoplankton to nutrient limitation
and variation in temperature and salinity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 544: 93-105.
593. Matsuno, K., J.M. Landeira Sanchez, A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake and
T. Kikuchi (2016) Spatial and geographical changes in the mesozooplankton community in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summers of 2007 and 2008. Polar Science 10: 335-345.
594. Shimada, H., S. Sakamoto, M. Yamaguchi and I. Imai (2016) First record of two warm-water HAB species Chattonella marina (Raphidophyceae) and Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Dinophyceae) on the west coast of Hokkaido, northern Japan in summer 2014. Regional Studies in Marine Science 7: 111-117.
595. 今井一郎・稲葉信晴 (2016) アマモ場による赤潮抑制の可能性〜環境にやさしい殺藻微生物の継続的供給システム〜. アクアネット 2016年10月号: 44-51.
596. Abe, Y., H. Miyamoto, R. Saito, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi and I. Imai
(2016) Comparative ecology of three dominant pelagic chaetognaths (Eukrohnia hamata,
Parasagitta elegans, Pseudosagitta scrippsae) in the Oyashio region during
the spring phytoplankton bloom. Regional Studies in Marine Science 8: 122-132.
597. Matsuno, K., Y. Abe, A. Yamaguchi and T. Kikuchi (2016) Regional patterns and controlling factors on summer population structure
of Calanus glacialis in the western Arctic Ocean. Polar Science 10: 503-510.
598. Abe, Y. (2016) Ecological study on the zooplankton community in the Oyashio region during the spring phytoplankton bloom. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 58: 13-63.
599. 山口 篤・今井一郎・平譯 享(2016)第3章 プランクトン・微生物関係. 練習船による水産科学・海洋環境科学実習(おしょろ丸教科書編纂委員会 編),pp.73-85,五稜出版社,函館.
600. Fujiwara A, Hirawake T, Suzuki K, Eisner L, Imai I, Nishino S, Kikuchi
T, Saitoh SI (2016) Influence of timing of sea ice retreat on phytoplankton size during marginal
ice zone bloom period on the Chukchi and Bering shelves. Biogeosciences 13: 115-131.
601. 嶋田 宏・金森 誠・吉田秀嗣・今井一郎(2016)2015年秋季北海道函館湾における渦鞭毛藻Karenia mikimotoiによる有害赤潮の初記録. 日本水産学会誌 82: 934-938.
602. Fukuzaki K, Yoshioka T, Sawayama S, Imai I (2016) Iron requirements of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae), Heterocapsa circularisquama (Dinophyceae) and two common centric diatoms. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 66: 121-128.
603. Nishizawa, B., K. Matsuno, E.A. Labunski, K.J. Kuletz, A. Yamaguchi
and Y. Watanuki (2017) Seasonal distribution of short-tailed shearwaters and their prey in the
Bering and Chukchi seas. Biogeosciences 14: 203-214.
604. Natsuike, M., K. Matsuno, T. Hirawake, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, I.
Imai (2017) Possible spreading of toxic Alexandrium tamarense blooms on the Chukchi
Sea shelf with the inflow of Pacific summer water due to climatic warming.
Harmful Algae 61: 80?86.
605. Inaba, N., V. L. Trainer, Y. Onishi, K.-I. Ishii, S. Wyllie-Echeverria
and I. Imai (2017) Algicidal and growth-inhibiting bacteria associated with seagrass and macroalgae
beds in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Harmful Algae 62: 136-147.
606. Kumamoto, Y., M. Aoyama, Y. Hamajima, H. Nagai, T. Yamagata, Y. Kawai, E. Oka, A. Yamaguchi, K. Imai, A. Murata (2017) Fukushima-derived radiocesium in the western North Pacific in 2014. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 311: 1209?1217.
607. Natsuike, M., H. Oikawa, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, I. Imai (2017)
The physiological adaptations and toxin profiles of the toxic Alexandrium
fundyense on the eastern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea shelves. Harmful Algae 63: 13-22.
608. Yamaguchi, A., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, D. Arima, I. Imai (2017) Latitudinal variations in the abundance, biomass, taxonomic composition
and estimated production of epipelagic mesozooplankton along the 155°E
longitude in the western North Pacific during spring. Progress in Oceanography 150: 13-19.
609. Lindsay, D.L., J. Nishikawa, K. Sunahara, Y. Fujiwara, A. Yamaguchi
(2017) First record of the doliolid genus Paradoliopsis in the Pacific Ocean.
Plankton and Benthos Research 12: 66-70.
610. Sakami T, Sakamoto S, Takagi S, Inaba N, Imai I (2017) Distribution
of three algicidal Alteromonas sp. strains in seagrass beds and surrounding
areas in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Fisheries Science 83: 113-121.
611. 今井一郎(2017)赤潮原因プランクトンの特徴と実用化が期待される対策. 養殖ビジネス 54: 3-7.
612. 稲葉信晴・坂見知子・今井一郎(2017)アマモ場に生息する微生物による赤潮防除の可能性. 養殖ビジネス 54: 32-35.
613. 山本圭吾・中嶋昌紀・今井一郎(2017)長期モニタリングデータからみた大阪湾における環境変化と有毒渦鞭毛藻Alexandrium tamarenseブルーム規模の拡大. 日本プランクトン学会報 64: 11-21.
614. Shimizu, T., T. Oda, H. Ito, I. Imai (2017) Isolation and characterization
of algicidal bacteria and its effect on a musty odor-producing cyanobacterium
Dolichospermum crassum in a reservoir. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 17: 792-798.
615. 今井一郎(2017)4殺藻細菌等を使用した赤潮抑制技術の開発1. pp. 112-116, 海洋微生物解析による沿岸漁業被害の予測・抑制技術の開発(プロジェクト研究成果シリーズ568). 農林水産省, 農林水産技術会議事務局.
616. 坂見知子・今井一郎(2017)4殺藻細菌等を使用した赤潮抑制技術の開発2. pp. 116-122, 海洋微生物解析による沿岸漁業被害の予測・抑制技術の開発(プロジェクト研究成果シリーズ568). 農林水産省, 農林水産技術会議事務局.
617. 今井一郎(2017)有害有毒プランクトンの発生機構と発生防除に関する研究. 日本水産学会誌 83: 314-324.
618. 今井一郎(2017)具体策に移った赤潮対策、漁業被害低減はモニタリングから始まる. 養殖ビジネス 54: 56-59.
619. Takenaka, Y., A. Yamaguchi and Y. Shigeri (2017) A light in the dark: ecology, evolution and molecular basis of copepod
bioluminescence. Journal of Plankton Research 39: 369-378.
620. Nakamura, Y., R. Somiya, N. Suzuki, M. Hidaka-Umetsu, A. Yamaguchi
and D.J. Lindsay (2017) Optics-based surveys of large unicellular zooplankton: a case study on
radiolarians and phaeodarians. Plankton and Benthos Research 12: 95-103.
621. Nakamura, A., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, H. Shimada and A. Yamaguchi (2017) Length-weight relationships and chemical composition of the dominant mesozooplankton taxa/species in the subarctic Pacific, with special reference to the effect of lipid accumulation in Copepoda. Zoological Studies 56: 13, doi:10.6620/ZS.2017.56-13.
622. Tomiyama, K., K. Matsuno, Y. Abe, H. Shimada and A. Yamaguchi (2017)
Inter-oceanic differences in macrozooplankton biomas and community structure
in four regions around Hokkaido Island, Japan: consequences for marine
ecosystem structure. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 67: 25-34.
623. Landeira, Jose M., K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, T. Hirawake and T. Kikuchi (2017) Abundance, development stage, and size of decapod larvae through the Bering and Chukchi Seas during summer. Polar Biology 40: 1805-1819.
624. Imai, I., N. Inaba and T. Sakami (2017) Environmental friendly strategies
for the prevention of harmful algae blooms using algicidal bacteria associated
with seagrass beds. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference
on Harmful Algae (eds. Proenca, L.A.O. and G.M. Hallegraeff). International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae 2017.
625. 今井一郎(2017)瀬戸内海の海洋環境と赤潮の発生および防除. 瀬戸内海74: 10-16.
626. 今井一郎(2017)海底耕耘を活用した有害赤潮の発生抑制の試み. 養殖ビジネス 54: 49-52.
627. Kodama, I., N. Inaba and I. Imai (2017) Quorum sensing suggesting activities of algicidal bacteria that kill red tide raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo and Chattonella antiqua. Symposium proceedings The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium “Fisheries Science for Future Generations”. No. 05003.
628. Ako, N., K. Miyamura, H. Iwano and I. Imai (2017) Diatom resting stage
cells and benthic diatoms in the sediment of the Japanese coastal waters.
Symposium proceedings The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International
Symposium “Fisheries Science for Future Generations”. No. 05004.
629. Imai, I., Y. Imai, K. Morita, K. Miyamura, M. Noda and K.-I. Ishii
(2017) In situ bottle experiments demonstrating feasibility of diatom resting
stage cells in sediments to prevent red tides of noxious flagellates. Symposium
proceedings The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium
“Fisheries Science for Future Generations”. No. 05007.
630. 今井一郎・各務彰記・小原静夏・結城貴志・小池一彦・萩原悦子・小川憲太・米山弘行(2017)海底耕耘を活用したChattonella赤潮制御の試み. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 67: 57-66.
631. Kotaki, Y., S. Sakamoto and I. Imai (2017) Amnesic shellfish poisoning
potential in Japan. PICES Scientific Report 53: 12-19.
632. 今井一郎(2017)赤潮を形成する微生物. リンの辞典(大竹久夫 [編集代表]), pp. 114-115, 朝倉書店.
633. Natsuike, M., R. Saito, A. Fujiwara, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, N.
Shiga, T. Hirawake, T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino and I. Imai (2017) Evidence of increased toxic Alexandrium tamarense dinoflagellate blooms
in the eastern Bering Sea in the summers of 2004 and 2005. PLoS ONE 12(11), e0188565.
634. Natsuike, M., T. Shiraishi, K.-I. Ishii, K. Yamamoto, M. Nakajima, S. Sawayama and I. Imai (2018) Different nutrient availabilities of surface and bottom water under nutrient-depleted conditions during bloom formation of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense in Osaka Bay, Japan. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 68: 7-16.
635. 夏池真史・山本圭吾・中嶋昌紀・澤山茂樹・今井一郎(2018)大阪湾における麻痺性貝毒原因渦鞭毛藻Alexandrium tamarenseと珪藻Skeletonema sp.の栄養塩利用性の比較. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 68: 17-26.
636. Yokoi, N., Y. Abe, M. Kitamura, M.C. Honda and A. Yamaguchi (2018)
Comparisons between POC and zooplankton swimmer flux from sediment traps
in the subarctic and subtropical North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 133: 19-26.
637. 各務彰記・森田航也・嶋田 宏・山口 篤・今井一郎(2018)2015年夏季北海道函館湾における有害渦鞭毛藻Karenia mikimotoiの初検出および2015-2016年の出現動態.
日本プランクトン学会報 65:1-11.
638. Hikichi, H., D. Arima, Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, S. Hamaoka, S. Katakura, H. Kasai, A. Yamaguchi. (2018) Seasonal variability of zooplankton size spectra at Mombetsu harbor in the southern Okhotsk Sea during 2011: an analysis using an optical plankton counter. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 20: 34-44.
639. Landeira, J.M., K. Matsuno, Y. Tanaka, A. Yamaguchi. (2018) First record of the larvae of tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi in the Chukchi
Sea: a future northward expansion in the Arctic? Polar Science, 16: 86-89.
640. Fujiwara, A., S. Nishino, K. Matsuno, J. Onodera, Y. Kawaguchi, T.
Hirawake, K. Suzuki, J. Inoue and T. Kikuchi. (2018) Changes in phytoplankton community structure during wind-induced fall bloom
on the central Chukchi shelf. Polar Biology, 41: 1279-1295.
641. Tsukazaki, C., K.-I. Ishii, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, and I. Imai
(2018) Distribution of viable resting stage cells of diatoms in sediments and
water columns of the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean. Phycologia, 57, 440-452.
642. 大洞裕貴・宮下洋平・小林淳希・織田さやか・田中邦明・山口篤・今井一郎(2018)アオコ原因種Microcystis aeruginosaと水中および水草ヒシの殺藻・増殖阻害細菌の季節変動. 藻類 66: 111-117.
643. 松野孝平(2018)太平洋側北極海における海氷衰退によるプランクトン群集への影響. 海の研究 27: 217-230.
644. Maekakuchi, M., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, T. Hirawake, and A. Yamaguchi
(2018) Horizontal and vertical distribution of the appendicularian community and
population structure in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summer of
2007. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 68: 43-49.
645. Nakamura, Y., R. Somiya, M. Kanda, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji and R.S.
Hori (2018) Gazelletta kashiwaensis sp. nov. (Medusettidae, Phaeodaria, Cercozoa), its morphology, phylogeny,
distribution, and feeding behavior. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 65: 923-927.
646. Miyashita, Y., T. Hagiwara and I. Imai (2019) The existence of cyanobactericidal bacteria and growth-inhibiting bacteria
on water plants in lake Ohnuma, Japan. Limnology, 20: 39-53.
647. Tokuhiro, K., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, J. Onodera, A. Fujiwara, N. Harada,
T. Hirawake and A. Yamaguchi. (2019) Seasonal phenology of four dominant copepods in the Pacific sector of the
Arctic Ocean: Insights from statistical analyses of sediment trap data. Polar Science, 19: 94-111.
648. Amano, K., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, and A. Yamaguchi. (2019) Yearly comparison of the planktonic chaetognath community in the Chukchi Sea in the summers of 1991 and 2007. Polar Science, 19: 112-119.
649. Naito, A., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, B. Nishizawa, N. Kanna, S. Sugiyama
and A. Yamaguchi. (2019) Surface zooplankton size and taxonomic composition in Bowdoin Fjord, north-western
Greenland: A comparison of ZooScan, OPC and microscopic analyses. Polar Science, 19: 120-129.
650. 橋 卓・森本晴之・後藤常夫・井口直樹・山口 篤 (2019) 2005年5月の中部日本海能登半島周辺海域におけるカイアシ類ノープリウスの水平分布. 日本プランクトン学会報 66: 60-71.
651. Fukai, Y., K. Matsuno, A. Fujiwara and A. Yamaguchi (2019) The community composition of diatom resting stages in sediments of the northern Bering Sea in 2017 and 2018: the relationship to the interannual changes in the extent of the sea ice. Polar Biology, 42: 1915-1922.
652. 三島かおり・松野孝平・山口 篤 (2019) 光学式プランクトンカウンターによる夏季の西部北太平洋における動物プランクトン群集のサイズ構造解析. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 69: 37-45.
653. M 斉之・阿部義之・松野孝平・山口 篤 (2019) 4連ノルパックネットを用いたネット目合いの違いが濾過効率と採集効率に与える影響に関する研究. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 69: 47-56.
654. Yamaguchi, A., C.J. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell and Y. Abe (2019) Ontogenetic vertical migration of the mesopelagic carnivorous copepod Paraeuchaeta spp. is related to their increase in body mass. Journal of Plankton Research, 41, 791?797.
655. Jimi, N., A. Yamaguchi and Y. Fujiwara (2019) Morphological and genetic confirmation of extensive distribution of a pelagic
polychaete Poeobius meseres Heath, 1930 (Annelida Flabelligeridae). Biodiversity Journal, 10: 325?328.
656. Matsuno, K., A. Fujiwara, T. Hirawake and A. Yamaguchi (2019) Ingestion rates and grazing impacts of Arctic and Pacific copepods in the western Arctic Ocean during autumn. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 69: 93-102.
657. 柊 萌乃・山口 篤 (2019) 初夏のオホーツク海における深海におよぶ優占大型カイアシ類の鉛直分布および個体群構造. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 69: 83-91.
658. 山口 篤・今井一郎・平譯 享・松野孝平(2019)第3章 プランクトン・微生物関係. 水産科学・海洋環境科学実習(北海道大学水産学部練習船教科書編纂委員会
編), pp. 77-88, 海文堂出版, 東京.
Copyright 2003 Plankton Laboratory
北海道大学大学院 水産科学研究科 多様性生物学講座(プランクトン教室)